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Hard Time (Lp Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-02 10:43



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 08:33

歌曲名:Hard Time (Lp Version)

2Much - Hardtime
I'm just sitting here about to take the stand.
I gotta prove, I'm not a guilty man.
I've beean accused of a crime of giving you everything but my time.
So let me say in my defense, I didn't know that I was doing you wrong.
I'm gonna never let it happen again.
From this moment girl it's about to be on.
I'll be your rock tonight, cause all that I want to do is be alone with you.
I feel like doing hard time.
I ain't trying to cop or plead if you're down to serve with me.
We saying in alright, I feel like doing hard time.
The verdict's in, I got work to do.
Got to make up for the time I've neglected you.
I'm serving life, there's no need to rush.
I'm gonna be here for you girl, now that's what's up.
Let's lay here for a while, let you lock me up and hide the key (Yeah)
Girl you know that drives me wild, everytime you put your hands on me.
I'll be your rock tonight, cause all that I want to do is be alone with you.
I feel like doing hard time.
I ain't trying to cop or plead if you're down to serve with me.
We saying in alright, I feel like doing hard time.
(Uh) Lock me down, take me away like the cops around.
Straight to the bed you could lock me down.
Not like them other girls cause they (?) them out. (Hard time)
You got me now, don't ever let me go cause if you drop me now,
Every woman on like every block in town feelin' like you was around, cause you shot me down.
Right in the heart, been in love with you, knew it from the start.
I'll never let you leave, we'll never grow apart.
I'll show you what I mean to make love in the dark.
(Uh) Like lover's art, stay with me, you're above the stars.
Play with me, how I like this cause.
All day you see we'll be doing it hardtime.
(Hardtime, hardtime)
I'll be your rock tonight, cause all that I want to do is be alone with you.
I feel like doing hard time.
I ain't trying to cop or plead if you're down to serve with me.
We saying in alright, I feel like doing hard time.
(Oh I feel like doing hard time, yeah. I feel like doing hard time, yeah)
(Oh I feel like doing hard time, yeah)

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