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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 00:17



热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 07:10


A:Excuse me, are you Sara Willson? 您好,请问你是Sara Willson吗?

B:Yes, I am. You must be Tom. Nice to meet you.是的,你是Tom吧,很高兴认识你。

A: Hi, Tom! Where are you from?你从哪儿来?

B: I'm from China. What about you?我来自中国。 你呢?

A: I'm from Canada. What do you often do in your spare time?我来自加拿大。你空闲时间经常做什么?

B:I spend a lot of time watching movies.很多时候我都在看电影.

A:Well, I like watching films too. But now I’ m going to library.我也喜欢看电影,但我现在要去图书馆了

B:I donot known where is the library. By the way, can you show me the way?我还不知道图书馆在哪呢,你能带起去么?

A:Sure, you can go with me, I will take you there. 好的呀,你可以跟我一起去。

B:Are you go there for our homework? I have finished it. Maybe I can give you some advice.你是为了今天的家庭作业吗?我做好了,也许能给你一点建议

A:Well, It is so nice of you. But today I have another thing, so I donot have much time. What about this Saturday? 你人真好,但我今天还有其他事,时间不够。下周六怎么样?

B: OK! Where shall we meet?听起来不错!我们在哪儿见?

A: What about at our school gate?学校门口怎么样?

B: No problem. See you there!没问题!到时候见!

A: See you!到时候见!



B: Hello! 你好!

A: Nice to meet you ! 见到你真高兴!

B: Nice to meet you too!见到你真高兴!

A: Where are you from?你从哪儿来?

B: I'm from China. What about you?我来自中国。 你呢?

A: I'm from Canada. What do you often do in your spare time?我来自加拿大。你空闲时间经常做什么?

B: I like playing basketball, so I often play it. And you?我喜欢打篮球,所以我经常打。 你呢?

A: I prefer swimming. I think swimming is good for our health.我更喜欢游泳。我认为游泳对身体很有好处。

B: Yes, I agree with you. I like swimming too.是的,我非常同意。我也喜欢游泳。

A: Wow, shall we go swimming together some day?哇!我们哪天可以一起去游泳吗?

B: Of course! I can't wait. When shall we go?当然!我都等不及了。我们什么时候可以去?

A: What about next Saturday? 下周六怎么样?

B: That sounds great! Where shall we meet?听起来不错!我们在哪儿见?

A: What about at our school gate?学校门口怎么样?

B: No problem. See you there!没问题!到时候见!

A: See you!到时候见!

B: You can call me anytime you want!你可以随时给我打电话!

A: I see. I will send you a text message on that day.明白。 那天我会提前给你发短信的。











大部分目前还无法出国或者找外教学习英语,而传统英语角在时间、地点、形式上的局限,*了一部分人学习英语的热情。 为提高英语口语的练习,可以试试电话英语角、网络英语角等形式的练习平台。



热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 08:28

1. Marry: Hi, do you know
where is the cafeteria? (你好,你知道学校餐厅在哪儿吗)
Amy: I go there too. Why not go with me? (我也去那里,我们一起去吧)
2. Marry: Sounds great! By the way, my name is Marry. I am freshman so I am not familiar with the campus. (太好了,我叫marry,我是大一新生所以我不太清楚校园)
Amy: My name is Amy. Nice to meet you. I am freshman as well. But I came here yesterday and I explored the campus this morning. (我叫amy,很高兴认识你。我也是大一新生,但是我昨天就来了,我今天早晨逛了一下校园)
3. Marry: Nice to meet you too. Have you been to gym? How is that? (很高兴认识你, 你去过体育馆了吗,那里怎么样)
Amy: Yes, I have. The gym looks so great. It provides various sports like basketball, rackets, badminton, climbing, swimming and so on. (我去过了,体育馆有很多运动,有篮球,壁球,羽毛球,登岩,游泳馆还有好多)
4. Marry: Great, I like sports. I already chose a yoga class this semester. It will start next Monday. I cannot wait for it. What is your major? (太棒了,我喜欢运动。我选了一节瑜伽课这个学期。下周一就开课了。我好期待。你是什么专业啊?)
Amy: My major is Finance. But I heard that Finance is so hard and has many difficult classes to pass. I am considering changing it. (我的专业是金融。到那时我听说金融很难而其有一些课程很难过,我在考虑要不要换)
5. Marry: I can’t agree more. I chose one basic financial class when I was at high school. I could barely pass it. (我十分同意,高中时,我选了一节基础金融课,我差点挂掉)
Amy: ohm! But I have confidence with number question. I will see. So what is you major? (真的吗?但是我对做数字问题很有信心。我再看看吧 所以你的专业是什么?)
6. Marry: My major is marketing. I like organizing activities and doing presentation. (我的专业是市场管理,我很喜欢做展示和组织活动)
Amy: Good for you. They have an orientation at football court tonight. Will you go with me? (很适合你。今天晚上足球场有迎新会,你和我一起去吗?
7. Marry: Yes, I’d love to go. But do you know where I can rent a refrigerator and microwave? I want to tidy and decorate my dormitory room this afternoon. (当然。你知道哪里可以租到冰箱和微波炉吗,我想今天下午把宿舍整理好)
Amy: Well, I don’t know. Lets’ask RA after lunch. (哦,我不太清楚。我们吃过中饭后问问宿舍管理员把)
8. Marry: Ok. How’s the food in cafeteria? (好的, 学校餐厅的食物怎么样)
Amy: will, it pretty much includes everything. They have various stations like pizza, sandwich, dessert, Mongolian, salad and beverage. They also have main dishes which are different every day. I believe they have chicken nuggets and cheese burgers as main dishes today. (很好基本包含了所有食物。有pizza,三明治,甜点,蒙古菜,沙拉和饮料。他们还有各种各样的主食,每天都不一样。我记得今天是鸡块和汉堡)
9. Marry: Wow, I love hamburgers. And I am starving. (太好了我喜欢汉堡。我太饿了)
Amy: we are almost there. Do you get your student ID card? We have to swipe our cards as entrance paid. (我们马上就到了,你拿到你的学生卡了吗 学校餐厅要刷卡)
10. Marry: well, I haven’t got it. (我还没拿到哎)
Amy: Let’s go get one for you first. (走,我们去给你办卡)

热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 10:02


a Hi (hand waving to another student.)
b Hi.

a I noticed that we were in the same class.
b Me too.

a Nice to meet you!
b Nice to meet you too!
(hands shaking)

a I am Mary Lee, from Shanghai. Where are you from?
b I am from Beijing, my name is James Lin.

a Is this your first time to Nanjing?
b Yes, It is. Nanjing impresses me a lot. We are so luck to have a chance to study here and have enough time to explore this beautiful city.

a Sure! I have been here once with my parents before, but it changed a lot since then.
b Really? Can you tell me more? I am quite interested in it.

a Yes, I'd love to. But I am hurry to the next class. Let's talk about it later.
b. Ok. See you later.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 11:54

A: 同学您好,很高兴认识你,我叫小明,来自黑龙江,是今年的新生,是英语系的。你是哪个系的?
B: 我是电气工程系的。我也是今年的新生。我来自北京,很高兴认识你。
A: 很高兴认识你,哈哈,北京是我们的首都,有好多好玩的地方啊。可惜我们去过。
B: 是的,还有很多的小吃。在前门大街上有很多的百年老店。
A:哦, 我挺喜欢打篮球的,你喜欢吗?有时间我找你打篮球啊
A: hello, nice to meet you. My name is xiao Ming. I'm from heilongjiang province. I'm A new student of this year.What department are you in?

B: I'm from electrical engineering.I am a new student this year.I'm from Beijing. Nice to meet you.

A: nice to meet you, haha. Beijing is our capital. There are so many interesting places.Unfortunately we've been there.

B: yes, Beijing, the Forbidden City, tian 'anmen, the Great Wall, the temple of heaven has a chance to go.However, heilongjiang is also good, winter can see ice sculpture.Look at the beautiful snow.

A: yes, the winter in heilongjiang is absolutely cold. You can freeze your nose.Just kidding.Besides the beautiful scenery of heilongjiang, we are rich in goods.From the previous great north to the present.

B: yes, I like your food very much.Like the harleicus.

A: but Beijing roast ck is also famous around the world.

B: yes, there are many snacks.There are many hundred years old shops on qianmen street.

A: by the way, your college is in that place.

B: the little red building on the far left is our college building.We're having a class there, and we're working on that.

A: oh, I like playing basketball. Do you like it?I have time to find you to play basketball

B: I like sports too, not only playing basketball, but also playing football. I like playing badminton.Welcome to play basketball together.

A: ok!Besides, is there any club in our school?

B: there are many, such as literature club, chess club, debate team, basketball team, football team, dance team, very much, what club do you want to join?

A: I like sports, but of course I want to join the football team or the basketball team.

B: ok, I've joined the basketball team. Welcome to join us.

A: ok, let's fight together.

B: well, it's getting late. I have classes this afternoon. Bye!

A: see you! You'll have A chance to play ball with you!

B: ok, bye!

热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 14:02

JAKE: Hi! My name is Jake. We haven't met before, have we?
DEBBIE: No, we haven't! My name is Debbie.
JAKE: Nice to meet you, Debbie!
DEBBIE: Nice to meet you, too, Jake.
JAKE: Are you a new student?
DEBBIE: Yes, I am. What about you?
JAKE: Yeah, me too!
JAKE: What're you studying here?
DEBBIE: Journalism. I want to be a journalist. What about you?
JAKE: I'm doing law. But I'm thinking of doing business studies instead.
DEBBIE: Do they allow you to change?

热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 16:26

A: Morning 早上好 B:Morning
A:How do you do? 你好! B:How do you do?
A: Are you a student here? 你是这里的学生吗? B:Yes. and you?
A: Me too. 我也是。 B:What's your major? 你学什么专业?
A: I study XXX. What about you? B: I'm majored in XXXX .
A:Where are you from? B: I'm from XXXX. What about you?
A: I come from XXX. B: Do you like sport?
A: Yeah. I like basketball and swimming very much. How about you?
B: Oh, I like volleyball best.
A: where's your dormitory? B: Oh. Over there, Building 6 Room 503.
A: Oh, It's time for supper. Let's go. B: Ok.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 19:08

Hi, my name is XXX. 你好,我叫XXX。
What's your name? 你叫什么名字?
Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
Where do you come from? 你从哪里来?
I come fromXXX. 我来自XXX。
How old are you? 你几岁?
I'm XX years old. 我XX岁。
What is your hobby? 你的兴趣爱好是什么?
My hobby is XXXX. 我的兴趣是XXXX。
We can hang out together after class. 我们放学可以一起出去玩。

热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 22:06


热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 01:20

A: Hello!你好!
B: Hello! 你好!
A: Nice to meet you ! 见到你真高兴!
B: Nice to meet you too!见到你真高兴!
A: Where are you from?你从哪儿来?
B: I'm from China. What about you?我来自中国。 你呢?
A: I'm from Canada. What do you often do in your spare time?我来自加拿大。你空闲时间经常做什么?
B: I like playing basketball, so I often play it. And you?我喜欢打篮球,所以我经常打。 你呢?
A: I prefer swimming. I think swimming is good for our health.我更喜欢游泳。我认为游泳对身体很有好处。
B: Yes, I agree with you. I like swimming too.是的,我非常同意。我也喜欢游泳。
A: Wow, shall we go swimming together some day?哇!我们哪天可以一起去游泳吗?
B: Of course! I can't wait. When shall we go?当然!我都等不及了。我们什么时候可以去?
A: What about next Saturday? 下周六怎么样?
B: That sounds great! Where shall we meet?听起来不错!我们在哪儿见?
A: What about at our school gate?学校门口怎么样?
B: No problem. See you there!没问题!到时候见!
A: See you!到时候见!
B: You can call me anytime you want!你可以随时给我打电话!
A: I see. I will send you a text message on that day.明白。 那天我会提前给你发短信的。
B: Thank you. Waiting for you.谢谢!等你哦。

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 04:52

KEVIN: Now... back to MAP Advertising.
JULIA: James Brady?
JULIA: I'm Julia Marsh.
BRADY: Oh! How do you do?
JULIA: How do you do? Where are you from, James?
BRADY: I'm from Ireland.
JULIA: Oh, lovely. Where in Ireland?
BRADY: Dublin.
BRADY: Who are they?
JULIA: He's a designer. His name is Paul Cook.
He's from Art-and-Design Limited. Um...
BRADY: And who is she?
JULIA: Her name is Susan Warren.
She's the marketing manager at Brentwood Engineering.
BRADY: Thank you.
HALL: Ah, James. I'd like you to meet Susan Warren.
Susan, this is James Brady.
SUSAN: How do you do?
BRADY: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Warren.
SUSAN: Oh, please call me Susan.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 08:40

a: 哟 嘛呢 hey what's up
b: 没干嘛 遛个弯 not much, just chilling
a: 你是大一新生吗?are you freshmen?
b:是啊,你也是啊?yea, are you?
a: 是啊 有空一起出来耍啊 yea, me too. let's hang out sometime

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 12:44

A: Hello!你好!
B: Hello! 你好!
A: Nice to meet you ! 见到你真高兴!
B: Nice to meet you too!见到你真高兴!
A: Where are you from?你从哪儿来?
B: I'm from Jiangsu, Huaian;. What about you?我来自江苏淮安。 你呢?
A: I'm from Henan,Zhengzhou. What do you often do in your spare time?我来自河南郑州。你空闲时间经常做什么?
B: I like playing basketball, so I often play it. And you?我喜欢打篮球,所以我经常打。 你呢?
A: I prefer swimming. I think swimming is good for our health.我更喜欢游泳。我认为游泳对身体很有好处。
B: Yes, I agree with you. I like swimming too.是的,我非常同意。我也喜欢游泳。
A: Wow, shall we go swimming together some day?哇!我们哪天可以一起去游泳吗?
B: Of course! I can't wait. When shall we go?当然!我都等不及了。我们什么时候可以去?
A: What about next Saturday? 下周六怎么样?
B: That sounds great! Where shall we meet?听起来不错!我们在哪儿见?
A: What about at our school gate?学校门口怎么样?
B: No problem. See you there!没问题!到时候见!
A: See you!到时候见!
B: You can call me anytime you want!你可以随时给我打电话!
A: I see. I will send you a text message on that day.明白。 那天我会提前给你发短信的。
B: Thank you. Waiting for you.谢谢!等你哦。

A:Excuse me, are you Sara Willson? 您好,请问你是Sara Willson吗?B:Yes, I am. You must be Tom. Nice to meet you.是的,你是Tom吧,很高兴认识你。A: Hi, Tom! Where are you from?你从哪儿来?B: I'm from China. What about you?我来自中国。 你呢?A: I'm from Canada...


求一个大学见面后认识新朋友的情景对话英语,一人10句,两个人 这里仅供参考。由于内容极其语法极为简单。再此没有添加中文。场景:两个大一新生,在餐厅或教室门口遇见。1.a Hi (hand waving to another student.)b Hi.2.a I noticed that we were in the same class.b Me too.3.a Nice to...


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英语口语情景对话,两个人的对话, 每个人不少于10句话。

A My favorite season is summer. I love summer.B oh,why do you like it?A because,There is no school.it is summer holiday,B haha ,yes, i like holiday ,too.A and also It's warm. The sun sets late. You can sit on your balcony and drink a beer and barbecue. I just...

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请英语高手帮忙~~! 编一篇两个人的对话,每人10句话左右,对话内容...     8     2010-09-12  求一个英文对话 两个人谈论一个第三者 10句左右 谢谢    ...


学生可利用每天睡前10分钟,坚持用英语口头叙说身边发生的事情。 第三,英语口语考试表面上看是考查学生的口语能力,实际上同样也考查学生的听力。如果一个学生没有好的听力,很难与别人对话,表达自己的思想。因此听力至关重要。 学生可以在这段时间内多听配套磁带,跟着模仿以创设英语情景,也可自助录音进行比较,找出不足...


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但是你要在你女朋友的异性朋友面前牵着手或者搂着你女朋友。 就会让你女朋友的异性朋友明白。你女朋友已经名花有主了。 然后那些人就会离你女朋友远一点。 不要太过紧张。朋友是一定要有的。 就像你也一定有异性朋友嘛。 你换个角度思考一下你女朋友的心情。其实也一样不是吗。 两个人都在乎对方。才会紧张...

中文情景对话100个 英语情景对话两人 认识了一个新朋友说说 小朋友认识新朋友 3人英语情景对话 英语情景对话四人 你和新朋友是怎么认识的 如何认识一些新朋友 怎么认识更多的新朋友
一个梯形的面积是120平方厘米,求阴影部分 夹具分为哪些 车床夹具是哪些 如图,梯形的面积是120平方厘米,分别求阴影部分和空白部分的面积!!!_百... 从西安城南客运站下车 怎样坐公交到西北大学现代学院?站牌在哪 谢谢... 湘菜有哪些特色凉菜 从西安城南客运站怎么坐公交到西北大学桃园校区??? 狗狗吃完驱虫药一天了还是咳,干呕 初一军训七天心得体会500字 狗狗吃完驱虫药不吃不喝,差不多2天了.咳嗽又有点干吐. 初次认识新朋友握手问好用英语怎么读 在学校我认识了很多新朋友,用英语怎么说? “我认识了一位新朋友”的英文怎么说 英语表达:认识,结识新朋友 认识新朋友用英语怎么说? 姜的种类一共有哪几种? 愣生姜的制作方法? 嫩姜有哪几种泡法怎么泡,有比例吗? 白糖花生的做法,白糖花生怎么做好吃,白糖花生 白糖糕怎么做好吃 黄瓜用白糖怎么做好吃 煮小米粥放什么糖好?白糖好吃还是黄糖? 包子里放红糖好吃还是放白糖好吃? 白糖有几种,那种白糖好吃 白糖好吃还是黄糖好吃 在炒菜时,有哪些菜可以放少许白糖更好吃 白糖怎么做好吃,白糖的吃法 燕窝店里有燕条和燕盏只区别,两者有什么区别? 为什么花了冤枉钱,你依旧分不清燕盏、燕碎、燕条? 燕窝的燕盏,燕条,燕角,燕碎 有什么区别?买哪种比较好? 英语短文翻译how do you meet new people see you tomorrow怎么回答? 在互联网出现之前人们通过书信来认识新朋友翻译 写一篇英语短文,朋友小明到了新学校,不知道怎样认识新朋友,请提些建议,五句话就行了 认识新朋友问候语 第一次认识新朋友开场白请问要怎么说 我不慌认识新朋友是什么意思? 认识了新朋友该怎么相处 怎样去认识新朋友 表达认识新朋友的句子 如何认识新朋友,第一次见面 联想笔记本m50。把W8系统做了W7系统之后,不读任何usb了,U口都没反应。。。求帮忙啊 爱国者U385双口U盘为什么不能再W7系统64位电脑系统下读出? 我家电脑w7系统u口为什么现在突然只能识别我的手机,u盘,p5都不识别呢?p5以前是是别的啊 正版Win8,用不习惯,我要改Win7,WIN8不识别U启。怎么办,Win8 下装WIN7.双系统也行。完全去除Win8也行。 我新装的电脑不识别键盘、怎么回事?系统是W7、开机时键盘的三个灯闪烁几下、就不亮了、电脑说无法识别该U windows7系统,插着U盘或者U口的其它设备不能从新启动,求高人指点,谢谢! 三菱电机中央空调怎么定时关机? TCL空调怎么定时关机? 天豪新飞空调遥控器怎么定时关机?