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英语作文。。帮忙啊。 100分

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 17:07



热心网友 时间:2023-07-21 14:50

when I was a little boy,the pedagogs had been incalculating our kids:"hobby is the best teacher" indeed,people are certainly more motivated by hobbies rather than monetary affairs.although the fame or money brings about weath and high ranks,but the happiness comes from that when you firstly learn to ride ,or cook for your mother waiting fot her comes back from a whole day's hard work are far more achieveious than any of others' bring the real blissness came from the everyday life tha twithout involing such monetory things
the content came from my little sister inspired me for the first time ,for she is always doing thing "in her own appetite",she doesn't seem to work very hard on her schoolwork ,and everyday she is painting and watching cartoon,I used to warn her:if you still not work hard ,you may even not admitted by the poorest high school! and she never care anyway.but she is the most blissful girl I have ever met.she laughing for most o f the day except in dreams.and her paintings are truly sceneric for her age,last time she won the biggest prize in the city ,however that didnt affect her a little bit .she keeps her own blithe way,with no regard to her awards.what makes her get the champion than anyone else? of course that is her own painting-pursuit and the interest for the loyalty of art .
thae famous mathematician archimedes,deeply impressed by her faily ,was also obtain great works from his own endeavor to the nature .she discovered the principle of buoyancy ring her nath ,you may say that He is really a bored man with nothing to do.but noone is enlightened by money ring a bath,right?
your own benefit and rewards will finally come from your achievement,but you can not use the money to take the place of anything else before the pleasure falling on your hap.as a teenager,we should try our best to study hard .there is someone who is always looking for money andmaybe "no reward no work for people",but they will sooner or later oust by the society and congee for splosh and stratum permanently .

中文意思: 当我还是个小男孩的时候,pedagogs已经incalculating孩子:“爱好是最好的老师”,事实上,人们都要受到爱好而非货币affairs.although名声或金钱带来财富和高的行列,但幸福来自:当你首先学会骑车,或煮你的妈妈回来,她等待长达一整天的辛勤工作achieveious远比任何他人带来真正的blissness来自于日常生活involing这样东西嘛twithout货币化吗

热心网友 时间:2023-07-21 14:50

Assignment: Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
Introction to 21st Century(Junior Edition)
21st Century(Junior Edition) comes out weekly on every Monday.
The newspaper presents four popular columns specialized on " News In and Abroad" "Sports and Entertainments""Ask and Answer"as well as interesting stories of all sorts.
This Junior Edition aims itself at enriching the readers' vocabulary,thus inhancing their English level with its readable language style and attracting illustrations.
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