发布时间:2022-04-24 20:41
时间:2023-10-10 09:19
时间:2023-10-10 09:19
;;;* PTXT types coordinates and draws points and lines between them
;;;* It uses the current style of points and text with height 0.2 and angle 90
(defun C:PTXT ( / dp1 dp txt)
(setq cmdech (getvar "CMDECHO")) ;Save command echo
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0) ;Turn command echo off
(repeat 25
dp1 dp ;Assign variables
dp (getpoint "\nEnter design point: " ) ;Get design point
txt (strcat " " ;Offer default
(rtos (car dp)) "/"
(rtos (+ -000 (cadr dp))) " " )
(command "_.TEXT" dp "0.2" "90" txt
(if dp1 (command "_.line" dp1 dp ""))
(setvar "CMDECHO" cmdech) ;Restore command echo
(princ) ;Ends program cleanly
);end defun
(defun C:STXT ( / dp1 dp txt)
(setq cmdech (getvar "CMDECHO")) ;Save command echo
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0) ;Turn command echo off
(repeat 25
dp1 dp ;Assign variables
dp (getpoint "\nEnter design point: " )
);setq ;Get design point
(if dp1 (setq dp (list (+ (car dp1) (car dp)) (cadr dp))))
txt (strcat " " ;Offer default
(rtos (car dp)) "/"
(rtos (+ 000 (cadr dp))) " " )
(command "_.TEXT" dp "0.2" "90" txt
(if dp1 (command "_.line" dp1 dp ""))
(setvar "CMDECHO" cmdech) ;Restore command echo
(princ) ;Ends program cleanly
);end defun
;;;* DSN types coordinates and draws lines between them
;;;* It uses the current style of points and text with height 0.2 and angle 90
(defun C:DSN (/ )
(setq cmdech (getvar "CMDECHO")) ;Save command echo
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0) ;Turn command echo off
(command "_.LAYER" "_M" "D" "_C" "6" "" "")
lvl (GETREAL "\nEnter level of ditch ")
dp1 (list 12 lvl)
dp2 (list 9 lvl)
dp3 (list 6 (+ 2 lvl))
dp4 (list 3 (+ 2 lvl))
dp5 (list 0 lvl)
dp6 (list -5 lvl)
(tx dp1 dp1)
(tx dp1 dp2)
(tx dp2 dp3)
(tx dp3 dp4)
(tx dp4 dp5)
(tx dp5 dp6)
(setvar "CMDECHO" cmdech) ;Restore command echo
(princ) ;Ends program cleanly
);end defun
(defun tx (dpf dp /)
txt (strcat ;Offer default
(rtos (car dp)) "/"
(rtos (+ 000 (cadr dp))) " "
dpi (list (car dp) (- (cadr dp) 1.0))
(command "_.TEXT" "_R" dp "0.2" "90" txt
"_.line" dpi dp ""
(if dpf (command "_.line" dpf dp ""))
;;;* DSG types coordinates and draws lines between them
;;;* It uses the current style of points and text with height 0.2 and angle 90
(defun C:DSG ( / dp dp1 dp2 txt)
(setq cmdech (getvar "CMDECHO")) ;Save command echo
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0) ;Turn command echo off
(command "_.LAYER" "_M" "D" "_C" "6" "" "")
(repeat 25
dp1 dp ;Assign variables
dp (getpoint "\nEnter design point: " ) ;Get design point
txt (strcat " " ;Offer default
(rtos (car dp)) "/"
(rtos (+ 000 (cadr dp))) " "
dp2 (list (- (car dp) 0) (- (cadr dp) 1.5))
(command "_.TEXT" "_R" dp "0.2" "90" txt
"_.line" dp2 dp ""
(if dp1 (command "_.line" dp1 dp ""))
(setvar "CMDECHO" cmdech) ;Restore command echo
(princ) ;Ends program cleanly
);end defun
(defun C:ARE ()
(command "_.AREA" "E" "L")
(defun C:LTL ()
(command "_.LINETYPE" "_S" "BYLAYER" "")