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英文翻译 - 有关追数信

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 20:15



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 03:22

The other day I spacious Mr. Secretary xxx former tenants of conversation with you
I hope you pay the arrears as soon as possible. The project on the orders had been x x
issued to you
but have not yet received the money. In order to maintain the friendly and cooperative relations beeen the o sides
in 14 days of payment. Otherwise
Democratic Secretary
will represent former tenants xxx
to the Small Claims Tribunal to recover.
就日前我就敝司前租客xxx先生跟你之交谈,希望你尽快缴交有关欠款。 Few days ago I the my department rented the confabulation of a xxx Sir and you ago
hoped you hand in as soon as possible concerning the debt. 有关项目之通知单已于x月x日发予你, Concerning the notification of item already in x month x day's delivering to you
但到目前还未收到有关款项。 but arriving haven't received concerning the amount of money so far. 为了维持双方之友好合作关系,请于14日内付款。 Please in the payment inside the 14th for the sake of maintenance both parties' friendly cooperative relation. 否则
the my department will rent a xxx Sir before representing
交予小额钱债审裁处追讨。 giving a *** all sum money debt to review to cut to n for.
参考: 希望可以帮到你 ^^
On the other day I took charge of lessee xxx gentleman before my with you the conversation
hoped that you pay the related debt as soon as possible. Written notice of the related project has sent in x month x date gives you
but to has not received the related fund at present. In order to maintain both sides the friendly cooperative relationship
please pay money in 14th. Otherwise
before my will take charge of representative
lessee xxx gentleman
will deliver to jot Qian Zhaishen to deal with pursues.
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