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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 10:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-12 02:54

  开头是作文在阅卷老师面前的第一次亮相,它将决定你所写的文章在阅卷老师心中所留下的第一印象。如果第一印象好,就意味着有了良好的开端,也就成功了一半。Good beginning is half done,我们该怎样一提起笔就让自己成功一半呢?

  1. The arguer may be right about …, but he seems to neglect fail to mention take into account that fact that…

  2. As opposed to Contrary to widely monly/generally held accepted belief ideas/views, I believe argue that…

  3. Although many people believe that …, I doubt wonder whether the argument bears much *** ysis close examination.

  4. The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from carry more weight than those of / are much greater than A.

  5. Although it is monly widely / generally held felt / accepted / agreed that …, it is unlikely to be true that…

  6. There is an element of truth in this argument statement, but it ignores a deeper and more basic important / essential fact reason that…

  7. It is true that True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,…, but this is not to say it is unlikely / it doesn’t follow / it doesn’t mean / it won’t be the case that…

  8. The main obvious / great problem flaw / drawback with in this argument view / remark is that it is ignorant of blind to the basic bare fact that …

  9. It would be possible natural / reasonable to think believe / take the view that…, but it would be absurd wrong to claim argue that …

  10. In all the discussion and debate over…, one important basic fact is generally overlooked neglected.

  11. There is absolutely in fact no every reason for us to believe accept / resist / reject that…

  12. Logical Valid / Sound as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant absurd when … is taken into consideration account.

  13. To assume suggest that … is far from being proved to miss the point.

  14. A close careful inspection examination / scrutiny of this argument would reveal how flimsy groundless / fallacious it is.

  15. On the surface At first thought, it this may seem a sound an attractive suggestion solution / idea, but careful weighing on the mind on closer *** ysis / on second thought, we find that…

  16. Too much emphasis placed on attention paid to / importance attached to … may obscure overlook / neglect other facts…

  17. The danger problem / fact / truth / point is that…

  18. What the arguer fails to understand consider /mention is that…

  19. We don’t have to look very far to see find out the truth validity of this argument proposition.

  20. However just logical / sound / valid this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-12 02:54

  开头是作文在阅卷老师面前的第一次亮相,它将决定你所写的文章在阅卷老师心中所留下的第一印象。如果第一印象好,就意味着有了良好的开端,也就成功了一半。Good beginning is half done,我们该怎样一提起笔就让自己成功一半呢?

  1. The arguer may be right about …, but he seems to neglect fail to mention take into account that fact that…

  2. As opposed to Contrary to widely monly/generally held accepted belief ideas/views, I believe argue that…

  3. Although many people believe that …, I doubt wonder whether the argument bears much *** ysis close examination.

  4. The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from carry more weight than those of / are much greater than A.

  5. Although it is monly widely / generally held felt / accepted / agreed that …, it is unlikely to be true that…

  6. There is an element of truth in this argument statement, but it ignores a deeper and more basic important / essential fact reason that…

  7. It is true that True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,…, but this is not to say it is unlikely / it doesn’t follow / it doesn’t mean / it won’t be the case that…

  8. The main obvious / great problem flaw / drawback with in this argument view / remark is that it is ignorant of blind to the basic bare fact that …

  9. It would be possible natural / reasonable to think believe / take the view that…, but it would be absurd wrong to claim argue that …

  10. In all the discussion and debate over…, one important basic fact is generally overlooked neglected.

  11. There is absolutely in fact no every reason for us to believe accept / resist / reject that…

  12. Logical Valid / Sound as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant absurd when … is taken into consideration account.

  13. To assume suggest that … is far from being proved to miss the point.

  14. A close careful inspection examination / scrutiny of this argument would reveal how flimsy groundless / fallacious it is.

  15. On the surface At first thought, it this may seem a sound an attractive suggestion solution / idea, but careful weighing on the mind on closer *** ysis / on second thought, we find that…

  16. Too much emphasis placed on attention paid to / importance attached to … may obscure overlook / neglect other facts…

  17. The danger problem / fact / truth / point is that…

  18. What the arguer fails to understand consider /mention is that…

  19. We don’t have to look very far to see find out the truth validity of this argument proposition.

  20. However just logical / sound / valid this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem.
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