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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 02:11



热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 14:57


Which planet do you want to live on?

When I was younger, I always liked Mars for some reason  , I also remember writing a little letter to my parents explaining what planet do I like, would I live on it, and why.I would probably live on mars, even now they propose making colonies on the planet. Because there is water in the northern polar cap and the climate is not too hostile. As for those people who want to live in cities in the clouds of Saturn, that would be impossible. The extremely high wind speeds on Saturn would rip apart anything that entered the atmosphere.


But now  I think there's no planet wise to live in for God designated us here, the thing is we should love our mother earth, cloth it with green plants, refrain from polluting the waters; rivers, lakes, waterfalls, the sea of course.  the earth is designed for a dwelling of humans like us to live in, full of every matter for human needs.



当我小的时候, 我因为一些原因特别想住在金星。我记得我曾向我爸妈写了一封信上面描述了我喜欢哪个星球,我选择它的原因。即使人们计划在火星上建立殖民地我也倾向于选择火星是因为,在火星的北半球上有水源的存在而且那里的气候不是非常恶劣的。 对于那些想要住在云雾缭绕的土星上的人来说,这是不可能的因为土星上风速太高,大风会撕裂进入大气层的任何物体。




纯手打 打字不易求好评。。。

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 14:58

One day,I was walking in the field when I heard a strange noise from the sky. I looked up to see what was going on, a UFO! I saw a UPO flying in the sky.
At the same time,it began to land in the field,two aliens just came out. They had green skin and green eyes.They were not more than one meter tall. They looked strange and scaring. I was so frightened that I could do nothing but try to hide behind a tree.
The two aliens took out of something like a
shovel(铲子),they g some earth and put it into a bag.After that they came back to the UFO and flew away.
What an unforgettable experience I had!

First,there should be water on the planet.Because we know that human beings can live without water.Then I hope that some special animals appear on that planet.I always like new kinds of lives and want to get along with them.Third,it will be better if the weather there is su...


Which planet do you want to live on?When I was younger, I always liked Mars for some reason , I also remember writing a little letter to my parents explaining what planet do I like, would I live on it, and why.I would probably live on mars, even now they propose maki...

我梦想去的星球 水星英语作文

What will you do if you go to other planet?If you ask me,my answer is that I will tell the ET,alien,we would like to live with them peacefully.We want to be their friends.We come to their planet not for robbing their resource,just for studying.I will show our history ...


First,there should be water on the planet.Because we know that human beings can live without water.Then I hope that some special animals appear on that planet.I always like new kinds of lives and want to get along with them.Third,it will be better if the weather there is su...


of the space is also benefit to other field . The negative aspect is that live in the space can spend more money,and it is impracticable for human live in other stars ,it also dangerous for humanbeings travel in space. 不知道行不行,自己再看着改改吧!

如果未来我生活在另一个星球我会做什么? 英语作文。很急的啊!今晚就要...

if I live on another star .everyday i get up early ,because this land have little water ,i must go to find the enough water for living.i have no friend,only machine-man.the food is little too,because here is not earth ,we must plant everything in water .the star is ...


are my soulmates. I can't imagine a life without them. On that planet, we might plant food by ourselves everyday and play with other animals. On that planet, there would never be any war. We just enjoyed our peaceful and harmonious life there. What a beautiful picture!


Our life will change greatly in the future.In the future, every family will own at least one computer, with which we can shop online without going out. That is really fantastic. Also, robots will be employed by every family. They can help do much of the housework. Therefore ...


作文如下:This story started the writer work at a logcabin in those same woods of Northern Wisconsin, somehow a tree frog that hastaken up residence in the studio keep showing.这个故事开始于作家在威斯康星州北部森林里的一间小木屋里的工作,不知怎的,一只树蛙在工作室里定居了下来。Firs...


I would like to live in a nice house with a garden so that I could grow some beautiful plants and flowers in it. I would like to live with my family because it would be wonderful to live with them. I would like to be a teacher. Being a teacher would be so intersting ...

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