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跪求有关culture and customs的文章………

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 21:59



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 07:43

Each group of people has customs that are unique to them. However, in all groups throughout Africa, the family unit is of the greatest importance and it is reflected in the customs of each tribe.

One traditional custom in African culture is that of "lobola", where the groom pays the father of the bride in order to compensate for the "loss" of the man’s daughter. Traditionally, lobola was paid in cattle, a valued commodity in many African cultures. But today, many modern couples pay lobola in cash. Lobola is intended to bring the two families together. It also indicates that the groom has the financial ability to support his wife.
The wedding is held at night when the moon is full. It is considered bad luck if the wedding takes place when the moon is not bright. The wedding celebrations can last several days, but the bride’s parents do not attend because it is very sad for them and the event is intended to be a cheerful one.
A man can have as many wives as he can afford, and the wives share the responsibilities of the daily chores, such as babysitting, preparing meals and washing clothes. Actually, the practice of polygamy4 brings more families together and lets people in most African tribes protect their core value —protection of the family. Members in the tribe care for one another, share wealth and food and make sure that every child is well looked after.
In African culture, a child learns at an early age how to become a good member of his tribe. Each member of the tribe belongs to an age group that has to do special services within the tribe. Each person is expected to contribute to the tribe by doing his share of the work and obeying its customs.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 07:44

. Culture and Customs

Difference countries have difference culture and customs . as we konw, China has a long and

rich culture ,so our customs is abundant too. it said that the yellow river is the the cradle of

chinese civilization . we have a lot of traditional festivals. for example, spring festvial, mid-

autumn festival, dragon boat festival and so on. may be you will ask why do we have these

kind of customs, I think that because we have special cultrue which lead our chinese to

creat customs to souvnier our ancestors.nowadays. people dont care much about cultrue and

customs . the main reason is their work. students do not have time to spend time with there

families and workers dont have chance to go home because their work. so I hope that one

day we can celebrate our festivals . and our cultrue and customs will be last forever!

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