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请教高人翻译翻译! 急。帮帮忙·

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 19:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 05:31

The heat exchanger is one of the inest common use equipmentses in the chemical engineering factory, press the characteristic that it transmits heat, can is divided into three major types:Direct contact type and Xu hot type and wall type.Among them, again with the use of the wall type heat exchanger most is extensive.
The type of the wall type heat exchanger is a lot of, the traditional type has a row tube type, set the tube type, snake take care of a type and clip mode, etc..For raising to transmit heat efficiency and economy metal material dosage, some more advanced wall types change a hot equipments in recent years, for example the plank type change hot the machine, spiral plank type change hot the machine, thread tube change hot machine etc., at our country is getting an extensive application.In addition, hot the tube change hot machine, flat panel type the sun gather hot machine etc. is new to change hot design research and engineering of the equipments' applying a work is also carrying on.
Change a hot equipments in the above-mentioned type in, currently apply at most still is row tube type, it compared with other traditional equipmentses, the unit physical volume equipments can provide of transmit heat area bigger, transmit heat effect better, structure tightly packed, hard, using the material can be diverse, be compared with some new equipmentses, it also still has adaptability strong, operation credibility etc. advantage.
Row tube type's changing a hot equipments has already had national series to turn a standard already set proct, can pass calculation choice while needing.But, control a row tube the type change a hot machine list body equipments technological design calculation of basic method, as well belong to a professional student of the machine equipments to have a necessity accept of a basic train.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 05:31

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