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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 10:26



热心网友 时间:2023-07-26 19:13

【 #小学英语# 导语】成功根本没有秘诀可言,如果有的话,就有两个:第一个就是坚持到底,永不言弃;第二个就是当你想放弃的时候,回过头来看看第一个秘诀,坚持到底,永不言弃,学习也是一样需要多做练习。以下是 为大家整理的《小学生三年级英语随堂阅读【三篇】》 供您查阅。


Mr Smith has a nice, brown coat. He loves it a lot. But his wife doesn’t like it because it’s old. She often says, “Give it to poor man.” But Mr Smith says, “No, I like this coat.”


  But one day, a cigarette falls on it and makes a hole in it. So Mrs Smith says, “Please don’t wear it again.” Mr Smith takes it to a tailor’s shop and says to the tailor, “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor does what he is told him and makes a new coat. Then the tailor makes a hole in it again with his cigarette in the same place.



  brown adj. 棕色的

  make a hole 烧了一个洞

  cigarette n. 香烟

  tailor n. 裁缝

  in the same place 在同一个地方


  1. What colour is Mr Smith’s coat?

  A: Yellow.

  B: Brown.

  C: Old.

  D: Black.

  2. Who doesn’t like the coat at all?

  A: Mrs Smith

  B: The poor man

  C: Mr Smith

  D: The tailor

  3. Does Mr Smith give his coat to the poor man when there’s a hole in it?

  A: Certainly.

  B: Yes, he dos.

  C: No, he doesn’t.

  D: We don’t know.

  4. How many holes are there in the new coat?

  A: One.

  B: Two.

  C: No hole.

  D: Three.

  5. Which of the answers is right?

  A: The two holes are in the same place.

  B: The tailor can’t make a new coat.

  C: The poor man gets the old coat.

  D: Mr and Mrs Smith don’t like the coat at all.

  1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A


There are two monks. They are not brothers but they live in the same house. Every morning they go out to look for some food.


  One day, they go out very early. They are on a road to a village. It is too early and there are no people on the road. They are walking. Suddenly, they stop. There is a comb on the road near them. They are running up to it at the same time.


  “I found it first. It is mine.” One of them says.


  “No, I found it before you, so it isn’t yours, it’s mine.” The other says.


  They sit on the road. They are quarrelling for the comb. Morning comes and then comes the afternoon. But they are still quarrelling.


  A little boy comes up to them and says, “You are monks. Monks have no hair. What is the use of the comb for you?”



  quarrel vi. 争吵

  comb n. 梳子

  monk n. 和尚

  suddenly adv. 突然地


  1. The two monks go out to ________ every morning.

  A: play

  B: carry water

  C: look for food

  D: buy things

  2. When they go out one day, they see a ________ on the road.

  A: purse

  B: bag

  C: comb

  D: monk

  3. They quarrel from morning to _____.

  A: evening

  B: afternoon

  C: night

  D: now

  4. Is the comb useful for the monks?

  A: Yes, it is.

  B: No, it isn’t.

  C: Yes, he is.

  D: No, they aren’t.

  1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B


The history teacher is having a lesson, but Tom is thinking about other things. The teacher asks, “Tom, do you know who is the first president of the United States?” Tom stands up, but he can’t answer this question.


  So the teacher gets angry and shouts, “George Washington!” Tom sits down. “Stand up!” the teacher says angrily, “I don’t let you sit down.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” says Tom, “I thought you called another student.”



  history n. 历史

  have a lesson 上课

  president n. 总统

  shout v. 大喊

  angrily adv. 生气地


  1. Tom is thinking about other things when the teacher is having a lesson. ( )

  2. George Washington is one of Tom’s classmates. ( )

  3. The teacher told Tom the answer. ( )

  1. T 2. F 3. T

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