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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 15:49



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 22:02

Taling about human resources,nowadays, apart from the strategic and knowledge management, we lay more emphesis on the function of " people ". Effective Communication plays a vital role in the process of promoting the good relationships among employees. And there are three main functions of communication, namely, explaining, convincing, and leading. Effective communication can bring mutual understanding and trust between the two parties after finding the common ground through communition, thus they are willing to take the responsibility and make their efforts for the common goal or objective. Therefore, in order to further reinforce the communication and interaction among employees, we must implement the humanized management which is based on the respect and understanding towards the trainees. In practice, effective communition plays an optimistic role when dealing with huamn resources management. It is essential that the enterprises must guarantee the employees to fully use their talents, and provide them with the opportunity to train and promote.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 22:02

Modern human resource development and management, strategic management, knowledge management attention, highlighted the role of "people", communication is the key link in employee relations, communication with explanatory, persuasive and directive function, effective communication between both parties is to communicate communication between each gearing, understanding and trust, willing to a common purpose or target Shared responsibility and make effort. To further strengthen the communication between the employees and requirements in respect of the people who know, based on the training and user, the implementation of the humanized management. In the practice of human resource in play a positive role. Ensure that had been hired within the organization can adequately director, Provide training and development for the talents for the enterprise, the development strategy is indispensable.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 22:02

Modern human resource development and management, focusing on strategic management, knowledge management, the more prominent of the "person" role that communication is the core part of improving employee relations, communication with the explanatory, persuasive and guiding functions, Effective communication is to enable communication between the parties to communicate, after run-in, mutual understanding and trust created between willing for a common purpose or goal of shared responsibility, and work efforts. Further strengthen the communication between employees, requiring respect for the people, understand people on the basis of training, users and the implementation of human management. Practice in human resources have played an active role. Guarantee that people can be employed within the organization's full potential; for talent training and development opportunities, is critical for the strategic development is essential.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 22:03

The develoment and management of modern human resource attach more importance to "human", as well as management with strategy and knoweledge. And to develop the relationship between staff, communication is the point, for it contains explaining, persuading and guiding. An effective communication is made when both sides communicate and compromise with each other,and establish the understanding and trust between each other, and what's more, they are willing to undertake the responsibility and make efforts in order to achieve their shared goal. To strength the communication between staff means to make the promotion, appointment with the Human-based management and the respect and understanding to the staff, which practically contributes to the development and management of the human recourse, ensures the best use of the merits on every person and provides the opportunities to the talents for their self-development. This is inenvitable for the strategical develoment of the company.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 22:04


热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 22:04



——Modern human resource development and management, focusing on strategic management, knowledge management, the more prominent of the "person" role that communication is the core part of improving employee relations, communication with the explanatory, persuasive and guiding functions, Effective communication is to enable communication between the parties to communicate, after run-in, mutual understanding and trust created between willing for a common purpose or goal of shared responsibility, and work efforts.Further strengthen the communication between employees, requiring respect for the people, understand people on the basis of training, users and the implementation of human management.Practice in human resources have played an active role.Guarantee that people can be employed within
the organization's full potential; for talent training and
development opportunities, is critical for the strategic development is essential.


——Modern human resource development and management, focusing on strategic management, knowledge management, the more prominent of the "person" role that communication is the core part of improving employee relations, communication with the explanatory, persuasive and guiding functions, Effective communication is to enable communication between the parties to communicate, after run-in, mutual understanding and trust created between willing for a common purpose or goal of shared responsibility, and work efforts. 进一步加强员工之间的沟通交流,要求在尊重人、了解人的基础上培养人、使用人,实施人性化管理。 Further strengthen the communication between employees, requiring respect for the people, understand people on the basis of training, users and the implementation of human management. 在人力资源的实践中都起到积极的作用。 Practice in human resources have played an active role. 保证所聘人才能在组织内充分发挥所长;为人才提供训练和发展机会,这对于企业的战略发展是必不可少的。 Guarantee that people can be employed within the organization's full potential; for talent training and development opportunities, is critical for the strategic development is essential.

如有需要翻译,请找我,力求给您满意答案——BY xlpon
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