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deep in my memory英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 00:10



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 18:15

deep in my memory
I’m so happy that I will have a two-day holiday soon.When I’m considering where I can to,a thing which happened one year ago comes into my mind.
I remembered clearly that it was a hot day.I stayed home and felt bored.Suddenly a bad idea struck me,so I called up my best friend and told her we would meet at the gate of the school at 8:30 the next day.But I broke my promise; I only wanted to play a joke on her!To my surprise,she was waiting there for a few hours the following day.Later she called back and said angrily that I wasn’t loyal to friends.At the beginning,I couldn’t understand what she meant.As the time went by,I realized that I was wrong.I could imagine how I could feel if someone treated me like that.I should imagine myself to be in her place.
Though it was a little thing,it taught me a good lesson!From then on,I learnt how to deal with friends sincerely.I will never forget the day when I hurt my best friend deeply.That’s why I must seize the chance of the holiday to visit her.At the same time,I hope that we can get on well with each other like before.
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