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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 22:38



热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 11:47

《aren't you glad》
aren't you goad you didn't stay with me.
bohemian life and instability.
you went off to university.
and you took your love away from me.
endless nights, lovers, friends and fun
big-city lights, your new life had begun
and as the world turns on and on,
love is lost and love is won,
laughed and cried when we were young
you went your own way, i survived
and did you ever see everything inside of me?
so now you live your life in luxury
double glazing, turbo washing machine
and your fiancé is boring as hell
you never laugh.you're both professional.
you know that film.that i'd started to write?
it's a box-office smash
and i'm on the next flight to get my award on tv tonight.
looking back.i think i've done alright.
love is lost and love is won,
you went your own way, i survived
love is lost and love is won,
you went your own way, i survived
oh,aren't you glad you didn't stay with me?
oh, aren't you glad you didn't stay with me?
oh, aren't you glad you didn't stay with me?
you didn't want my love,
so aren't you gald,
aren't you glad,aren't you glad.
aren't you glad,aren't you glad.
aren't you glad,aren't you glad

热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 11:47

叫《aren't you glad》 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&rn=&tn=mp3&ct=134217728&word=aren%27t+you+glad&lm=-1
aren't you goad you didn't stay with me.
bohemian life and instability.
you went off to university.
and you took your love away from me.
endless nights, lovers, friends and fun
big-city lights, your new life had begun
and as the world turns on and on,
love is lost and love is won,
laughed and cried when we were young
you went your own way, i survived
and did you ever see everything inside of me?
so now you live your life in luxury
double glazing, turbo washing machine
and your fiancé is boring as hell
you never laugh.you're both professional.
you know that film.that i'd started to write?
it's a box-office smash
and i'm on the next flight to get my award on tv tonight.
looking back.i think i've done alright.
love is lost and love is won,
you went your own way, i survived
love is lost and love is won,
you went your own way, i survived
oh,aren't you glad you didn't stay with me?
oh, aren't you glad you didn't stay with me?
oh, aren't you glad you didn't stay with me?
you didn't want my love,
so aren't you gald,
aren't you glad,aren't you glad.
aren't you glad,aren't you glad.
aren't you glad,aren't you glad
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