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The Verve的《This Time》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 17:11



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 19:42

歌曲名:This Time
歌手:The Verve
专辑:Urban Hymns

Lookin' back on my life
You know that all I see
Are things I could've changed
I should have done
Where did the good times go?
Good times so hard to hold
This time, this time
This time I'm gonna find
Lookin' back on my life
You know that all I see
Are things I could've changed
I could have done
No time for sad lament
A wasted life is bitter spent
So rise into the light
In or out of time
Gonna rise straight through the light
In or out of time
Woke up one other day
The pain won't go away
I am growing
In peculiar ways
Into a light I pass
Another dream, another trance
This time, this time
This time I'm gonna rise into the light
In or out of time
Gonna find my way in life
In or out of sight
I'm still seeing things in black and white
Gonna rise straight into the light
In or out of sight
I'm gonna see the light
I'm gonna see the light
I'm gonna see the light
'Cause I know there is time
There is time
There is time
There is time
There is time
There is time
There is time
There is time
This time, this time
This time, this time
This time, this time
This time, this time

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