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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 02:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:19

欧亨利,世界短篇小说三大师之一,美国短篇小说的创始人。他以新颖巧妙的构思,幽默诙谐的语言,个性鲜明的任务,离奇曲折的情节,别出心裁的技巧,反映了20世纪初期,美国人的现实生活,开辟了美国短篇小说的新途径。其实欧亨利式的结尾所展现的独特魅力,欧 ・亨利式的结尾”作为“欧 ・亨利笔法”的一个极其重要的组成部分 ,一直享誉世界文坛,让每个读者心中能产生共鸣。对“欧 ・亨利式的结尾”的艺术功效做一些初步探索有利于深刻而准确地把握欧氏笔法。本文从欧亨利的几篇典型的短篇小说《麦琪的礼物》(又译《贤人的礼物》)、《爱的牺牲》入手对比欧亨利结尾的表现效果,反映当代的金钱观和爱情观,以及他揭示手法相同点和不同点。从其他几篇带有欧亨利结尾的短篇小说的手法进一步阐述同时,联系当代影视剧本和中学作文教学,说明欧亨利结尾的文学震撼力不可忽视的。

. Henry , world shortstory one of three great masters, USA shortstory founder. His artifice with ingenious conception new and original , humorous humorous language , distinct mission of indiviality , odd circuitous circumstance , an out-of-the ordinary idea, has reflected 20 centuries initial stage , American's actual life, approach having opened up the new of USA shortstory. The unique charm that the dyadic ending of O. Henry institute displays in fact , Europe & # 12539; The dyadic ending of Henry" is "Europe & # 12539; A extremely important ingredient of Henry style of writing ", always enjoys reputation world literary circles , dodges to be able to proce resonance at every reader's heart. To "Europe & # 12539; Dyadic ending of Henry" art effect makes a few first steps probing style of writing beneficial to grasping Mrs. Europe deep but accurate. Contrast O. Henry ending behaviour effect the main body of a book "is sacrificed from several representative shortstory wheat fine jade gift " "gift translating person of virtue") ", loving" of O. Henry starting, the money Taoist temple and love reflecting the present age watch , identical point composes in reply a difference as well as he reveals gimmick. Set forth at the same time further from the gimmick several with O. Henry ending shortstory other, teaching contacting the present age movie and TV script and middle school composition, the force explaining O. Henry ending literature being shocked is assignable.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:20

O. Henry, one of the world's master of the three short stories, short stories, founder of the United States. His novel idea of a clever, humorous and witty language, and personality to the task, bizarre plot twists and turns, fantastic skills, reflecting the early 20th century, the reality of American life, opened up new avenues for the U.S. short story. In fact, O. Henry-style at the end of the show's unique charm, at the end of O. Henry-style "as" O. Henry writing "an extremely important component of the literary world has been world-renowned, so each reader can sympathize hearts. On "O. Henry-style at the end of" The Art of the effectiveness of doing some preliminary exploration in favor of a deep and accurate grasp of Euclidean technique. In this paper, several typical O. Henry short story "The Gift of the Magi" (also translated "gift worthy ")," Love sacrifice, "O. Henry to start at the end of the performance of contrast effect, reflecting the contemporary view of money and love, and his approach to reveal similarities and differences. from the other end of several O. Henry short story with the way further elaborated at the same time, contemporary writing film scripts and secondary school teaching, that O. Henry at the end of the power of literature can not be ignored.

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热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:20

O. Henry, one of the world master of the three short stories, short stories, founder of the United States. His novel idea of a clever, humorous and witty language, and personality to the task, bizarre plot twists and turns, fantastic skills, reflecting the early 20th century, the reality of American life, opened up new avenues for the U.S. short story.O. Henry O. Henry-style strokes as the end of an extremely important part of world-renowned literary world has been, let the hearts of each reader can sympathize. O. Henry-style at the end of the art of the effectiveness of doing some preliminary exploration in favor of a deep and accurate grasp of Euclidean technique.In this paper, several typical O. Henry short story of the Magi gifts and gift sage translation, love sacrifice. O. Henry to start at the end of the performance of contrast effect, reflecting the contemporary view of money and love, and his approach to reveal similarities and differences. With a few from the other end of the short stories of O. Henry practices further elaborated at the same time, contemporary writing film scripts and secondary school teaching, that O. Henry at the end of the power of literature can not be ignored.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:21

O. Henry, one of the world's master of the three short stories, short stories, founder of the United States. His novel idea of a clever, humorous and witty language, and personality to the task, bizarre plot twists and turns, fantastic skills, reflecting the early 20th century, the reality of American life, opened up new avenues for the U.S. short story. In fact, O. Henry-style at the end of the show's unique charm, at the end of O. Henry-style "as" O. Henry writing "an extremely important component of the literary world has been world-renowned, so each reader can sympathize hearts.
Of "O. Henry-style at the end of" The Art of the effectiveness of doing some preliminary exploration in favor of a deep and accurate grasp of Euclidean technique. In this paper, several typical O. Henry short story "The Gift of the Magi" (also translated "sage of the gift"), "sacrifice of love," O. Henry to start at the end of the performance of contrast effect, reflecting the contemporary view of money and love, as well as his approach to reveal similarities and differences. With a few from the other end of the short stories of O. Henry practices further elaborated at the same time, contemporary writing film scripts and secondary school teaching, that O. Henry at the end of the power of literature can not be ignored.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:21

O. Henry, one of the world's master of the three short stories, short stories, founder of the United States. His novel idea of a clever, humorous and witty language, and personality to the task, bizarre plot twists and turns, fantastic skills, reflecting the early 20th century, the reality of American life, opened up new avenues for the U.S. short story. In fact, O. Henry-style at the end of the show's unique charm, at the end of O. Henry-style "as" O. Henry writing "an extremely important component of the literary world has been world-renowned, so each reader can sympathize hearts. On "O. Henry-style at the end of" The Art of the effectiveness of doing some preliminary exploration in favor of a deep and accurate grasp of Euclidean technique. In this paper, several typical O. Henry short story "The Gift of the Magi" (also translated "gift worthy ")," Love sacrifice, "O. Henry to start at the end of the performance of contrast effect, reflecting the contemporary view of money and love, and his approach to reveal similarities and differences. from the other end of several O. Henry short story with the way further elaborated at the same time, contemporary writing film scripts and secondary school teaching, that O. Henry at the end of the power of literature can not be ignored.
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