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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 00:57



热心网友 时间:2023-05-10 17:35


The recollection is pot tea, a pot the tea which swells with the emotion boiling water: Tumbling, fluctuation, then cooling, quiet, takes off and lands, the joyful crazy sad life after all “to see through likely in the myriad things, success and failure along with reason” light delightful. this series female attire uses classical atmospheric the silhouette, intends to molds the metropolis feminine one kind of graceful indifferent to fame or gain life manner. The lining mainly weaves by the material for woolen goods and the wool primarily, the union flower bud silk lace, and embellishes the fashion fine nail bead craft to make the decoration.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-10 17:36

The recollection is pot tea, a pot the tea which swells with the emotion boiling water: Tumbling, fluctuation, then cooling, quiet, takes off and lands, the joyful crazy sad life after all “to see through likely in the myriad things, success and failure along with reason” light delightful. this series female attire uses classical atmospheric the silhouette, intends to molds the metropolis feminine one kind of graceful indifferent to fame or gain life manner. The lining mainly weaves by the material for woolen goods and the wool primarily, the union flower bud silk lace, and embellishes the fashion fine nail bead craft to make the decoration.
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