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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-19 04:23



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 21:03

This agreement based on the following articles is estabished by China Import and Export Corporation and U.S. Import and Export Corporation.

Shall your country offer tips to attendants in accordance with practices?

Proceres for dealing with cargo claims are very complex, but it can be completed quickly if you follow the following steps.

If we want to lead our competitors, we must develop more new procts.

The expenditures of after-sale services have accounted for over 50% expenses of our entire sales.

The sales department decided to take the full advantage of this year’s Cantonese Fair to increase our sales in U.S market.

China has entered the WTO, and opened its door to the world.

The profit in our company comes mainly from improving the quality of our procts and lots of advertising.

By all means, the promotion activity is a great success.

I need to check the balance in my account to see how much money it’s left.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 21:04

1, according to the following terms of this Agreement by the China Import and Export Corporation and the U.S. import and export companies as mentioned above.
2. In your country, whether it should be attached to the usual attendant tip?
3, the proceres for handling cargo claims are very complex, but according to the following steps can be completed quickly and easily.
4, if we want to lead our competitors, we must develop more new procts.
5, after-sales service expenditures have accounted for our entire sales of more than 50% of expenditure.
6, sales department decided to take full advantage of this year's Fair to increase sales on the U.S. market.
7, China has joined the WTO, to the world opened their doors.
8, we are the company's profit comes mainly from improving proct quality and a lot of advertising.
9, By all counts, this promotion is a big success.
10, I have to check my bank balance to see how much money to my account also.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 21:04

1.According to the following provisions, this agreement is made by China Import and Export Corporation and the U.S. Import and Export Corporation.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 21:05

1.This agreement is determined by the following terms and conditions by the China export-import & export Corporation entered into with the United States.
2.Is it common to give the servicer tips?
3.The methods of getting the cargo claim is complicated, but it could be done faster by follwing the steps below.
4.If we want to get infront of our competitors, we need to invent more new items.
5.After sales service expenditures have accounted 50% of the expenditures.
6.The sales department decided to take adventures of this year's fair to increase the amount of sale in the U.S market.
7.China has decided to become part of the WTO, which means China has opened its gate fo the whole world.
8.Our company's profit mainly come form the improvement of the quality ofour proct and lots of advertising.
9.Accroding to the aspects, this promotion activite is a great sucess.
10.Iwant to check my remainings in the bank to see how much money do i still have in my account.
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