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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 01:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 07:19

The Board Town is the most famous novel of Mr. Shen Congwen. It is one of the most important acheivements in Chinese contemperary literature, and also an major writing contributed by us to the world literature.

Its success only only comes from the descriptions of beauty of humanity & feelings in western Hunan, an imaginary ideal world, but also owes to the sadness behind the apparant beauty, which makes us move and deliberate. Thus, the paper discusses the tragical implication and connotations hidden behind the exterior beauty from two aspects of the tragedy of characters' fates & culture.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 07:19

边城 是沈从文最为著名的一部小说,是我国现代文学最重要的收获之一,同时也是我国贡献给世界文学的重要作品
人情美的描述,更多的是因为其美丽背后的悲哀,让我们动容,并且思考,由此本文将从人物命运悲剧和文化悲剧两个方面着手,探讨蕴藏在美丽背后的悲剧意蕴及其内涵Border town is the most famous novel, shen congwen is one of the most
important harvest of Chinese modern literature, is also the important of China's
contribution to the literature works its success not only comes from the xiangxi
the xana in the world of humanity RenQingMei description, more because of its
beautiful behind the sorrow, let us deeply and thinking, thus this article will
from the destiny tragedy and culture two aspects, to explore lies behind the
beauty of tragedy implication and connotation
以上为机器翻译 结果,仅供参考 快速获取精准人工翻译,您可以选择有道专业翻译【收费的】


热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 07:20

Biancheng ( A Remote Town) is Shen Congwen's most famous novel. It is also one of the most gains in the modern literature in our country. Meanwhile, it is important works that contributes to world literature. The success of it not only comes out of the descriptions of beauty of human nature and feelings, but more owing to sadness hidden behind the beauty causing us to be moved and think about it. Therefrom, this article will explore the implication and connotation hidden behind the beauty based on researching on tragedy of character's fate and culture.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 07:20

<Border Town> is the most famous novel published by novelist, ChongWen Shen. It is considered an important part of modern literature. At the same time, it is also a piece of work published by China, which is widely recognised by the world. It's success not only brought the world into the beauty of XiangXi, it also greatly described the humanity and emotionality of the people there. The dramatic representation of the emotional truth behind the beauty moved the readers. Thus making the reader reflect on the tragic fate faced by the characters and the cultural tragedy represented by the book. Seeking deep into the tragic story and finding the beautiful meaning behind the story.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 07:21

Bian Cheng ,which is one of the most important results of China's Modern Literature and a significant work of China contributes to the World Literature,is the most famous fiction of Sheng congwen.Its success comes not only from the description of Xiangxi,a lang of idyllic beauty,but also from the sorrow behind the beauty which makes us move and think.So the author is going to talk about the tragic meaning behind its beauty from both fate and culture tragedy.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 07:22

"Border town" is the most famous novel, shen congwen is one of the most important harvest of Chinese modern literature, is also the important of China's contribution to the literature works. Its success not only comes from the xiangxi the xana in the world of humanity, RenQingMei description, more because of its beautiful behind the sorrow, let us deeply and thinking, thus this article will from the destiny tragedy and culture two aspects, to explore lies behind the beauty of tragedy implication and connotation.

" Border town " is Shen Congwen's most famous novel, is one of the most important harvest in China modern literature, is also China's contribution to the important works of world literature. Its success is not only from the beauty of humanity, humanity description of Xiangxi the land of idyllic beauty in the world, more because of its beautiful behind sorrow, let us moved, and thinking, this paper will be two aspects from the character destiny tragedy and tragedy to culture, tragedy implication and connotation of hidden in behind the beautiful.
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