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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 01:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 02:34

The decoder (Decoder), is one kind of the hardware/ software equipment importing the form simulating a video signal and it changing into the digital signal, further, to compress and transfer. Mp3 , ac3 , dts resembling video frequency mpeg4 , VF wait , these coders can store primitive data compression , are a code form in common use a short while ago, the code form , general family basic still having some of special field can not use arriving at. Video frequency and VF need to use to decipher software then for replaying these on the household setout or the computer , are called a plug in connector in general. For instance , decipher plug in connector of mpeg4 ffdshow,decipher plug in connector of ac3 ac3fliter waits. Only when having installed the decipher various plug in connector, your computer ability replays these images For the what be spoken decoder is soft in the software decoder and the hardware decoder computer the decoder, unties the decoder classification decoder mark namely by software method out VF video frequency data. That responds to relatively is DVD and vcd machine and , they belong to the hardware decoder. The decoder existence is to compress because of the VF video frequency data memory is going to pass first , the data amount is very ample otherwise , compresses but needing to store maximal mass VF video frequency data by the fact that certain code , ability use coming minimal capacities. Be going to decipher first by the fact that the decoder is in progress therefore when needing to carry out playing on the data.
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