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用prove造句 例如:Jane,talented actress Jane proved(to be)a talented actress.

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 02:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:52


Plan A has proved to be a failure.

另,prove 不用于被动语态,如:

The rumor proved true.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:52

The student proved brighter than the first appearance.

The experiences on the farm proved a turning point of his writing career.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:53

这个问题不是很明了,是用(3)(4)各造一句呢,还是合起来造一句? 另外,造句时可以添加单词呢,还是只能用提供的词汇?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:53

用prove造句 例如:Jane,talented actress Jane proved(to be)a...

都错误,正确该是:Plan A has proved to be a failure.另,prove 不用于被动语态,如:The rumor proved true.这谣传结果是真的。


1、She is a talented actress who has won many awards for her performances.她是一位才华横溢的女演员,曾因表演获得多个奖项。2、Many famous actresses have spoken out against gender inequality in Hollywood.许多著名女演员公开发声反对好莱坞的性别歧视问题。3、The actress played the role of ...

英语You’re really talented怎么翻译?

"You're really talented" 可以翻译为 "你真的很有才华"。这句英语 "You're really talented" 表示对对方才能的赞赏和肯定。在翻译时,要理解句子的含义和语境,准确传达出对对方才能的赞赏。注意修饰性副词的使用和形容词的位置,选择符合中文习惯的表达方式,确保翻译自然流畅。以下是这句英语的详细...

once upon a time用英语怎么写

upon a time she was thought to be the most talented actress in the country.以前她被认为是该国最有才华的女演员。


year is 1795 and young Jane Austen is a feisty 20-year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world beyond class and commerce, beyond pride and prejudice, and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable - marrying for love. Naturally, her parents are searching for a ...


△supporting,actress女配角 △talented adj.有才能的 detective adj.&n.侦探(的) murderer n.杀人犯,凶手 suspect n.嫌疑犯 vt.怀疑,猜想 *occupation n.工作;职业 *clinic n.诊所;门诊部 neat adj.整齐的;整洁的 shopkeeper n.店主 salesman n.售货员;推销员 *medium adj.中等的 *untidy adj.不整洁的,...

The Good German

9 The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards (2005) ... Herself - Nominee: Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture 10 第77届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) ... Herself - Winner: Best Supporting Actress/Presenter: Best Makeup 11 This Is an Adventure (2005) ...


I'm Not There: Suppositions on a Film Concerning Dylan In the Company of Actors (2007) ...Herself / Hedda Gabler 辉煌年代 Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) ...Queen Elizabeth I 黄金时代 / 伊莉莎白:辉煌年代 / 传奇女王伊利沙伯:黄金盛世 The Golden Age Elisabet - Kultainen...

求一篇a beautiful mind观后感

Russell Crowe exquisitely captures Nash's passion for his wife, his work, and his unending hunger for excellence. Jennifer Connelly again proves she's a talented actress capable of conquering characters with depth and emotion. The brilliant supporting cast, including Ed Harris, Paul ...

take place of和take the place of的区别

- The young actress took the place of the veteran actress in the lead role. (年轻女演员在主角中取代了资深女演员。)3. 使用环境区别:- "take place of" 在一般语境中使用较多,表示取代或替代事物的普遍现象。- "take the place of" 常用于更具体或个别的语境中,强调一个事物完全或彻底...

talented person be talented for very talented be talented with more talented talentedfor multitalented untalented proof和prove
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