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英文版的 大家一起来 ,歌曲名叫什么啊?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 20:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:48

Where's my samurai
I've been searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find to find my samurai
Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need I need my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find to find my samurai
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need I need my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:49

Butterfly Smile

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:48

Where's my samurai
I've been searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find to find my samurai
Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need I need my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find to find my samurai
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need I need my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:49

Butterfly Smile

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:49

Smile - Butterfly

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:49

Smile - Butterfly

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:48

Where's my samurai
I've been searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find to find my samurai
Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need I need my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find to find my samurai
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need I need my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Ay Iyai Yai
Where's my samurai
Ay Ay Ay I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:49

Butterfly Smile

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 19:49

Smile - Butterfly
有关通知参加讲座的英语作文范例 关于LC振荡电路中的振荡电流,下列说法中正确的是( ) 三星S6充电口进水怎么办? 充电口进水了没注意,插上充电了,过会一看没 X、Y、Z、W是同一周期的短周期元素,原子序数依次增大。 991的补码 名蔻青春定格肽品牌理念 茗蔻亮青春定格肽的品牌理念 茗蔻亮青春定格肽品牌理念 茗蔻亮青春定格肽品牌介绍 娱乐圈美女如云,哪些明星的穿搭备受追捧? 歌曲“大家一起来”英文版叫什么名字? 卫衣+奶奶裙,明星都上头的穿搭清爽舒适,你喜欢吗? 大家一起来的英文版叫什麼? t恤作为夏天必不可少的穿搭单品,哪些明星的搭配很时髦? 大家一起来的英文版 杨颖放飞自我更时髦,粉外套加牛仔裤,看着像二十岁,她状态有多好? 孙悦的那首<大家一起来>的英文版歌名叫什么? 明星们穿阔腿裤都是如何搭配的? 请问那首孙悦的《大家一起来》的英文原版歌名叫什么 《大家一起来》英文版歌名是什么? 大家一起来英文版歌名是什么? 黄豆酱蒸鱼怎么做 明星的穿搭方法,你有哪些了解呢? 我们大家一起来的英文版叫什么名字 杨幂针织开衫配喇叭裤,照穿甩朋友圈人几条街,她的气质为什么会这么好? 黄豆酱蒸黄颡鱼怎么做好吃 《大家一起来》英文版是什么? 《大家一起来》英文版叫什么 豆酱蒸鱼怎么做 杨幂最爱的长款毛衣搭配过膝靴,明星还有哪些减龄时尚又显高的穿搭? 北京运往上海 电动车怎么发过去 有一首DJ舞曲 是大家一起来英文版 里边有皮卡丘的声音,蛮好听的 知道的告诉一下啊 谢谢拉。 明星衣品大比拼,你最喜欢哪个爱豆的穿搭? 北京铁路托运电动车多少钱 “唉呀咿呀 我们大家一起来”是那首歌里面的? 有哪些明星的穿搭风格是你喜欢的? 北京同城货拉拉寄电动车多少钱 有一首歌,是女的唱的,“哎呀呀呀 ,大家跟我一起来……”,这是什么歌? 有哪些男明星的穿搭彰显青春活力? 从北京托运电动车到原平多少钱? 谁知道歌曲 大家一起来 的英文版本的链接? 有哪些明星的穿搭最符合你的审美? 北京有那个物流公司可以托运用过的电动车的吗! 兔子舞蝴蝶(大家一起来>英文版是哪两个女的唱的,她们是谁 从北京托运一辆电动车到上海要多少钱 兔子舞里面有个‘大家一起来’英文版叫什么名字? 你觉得哪些明星的穿搭特别时尚? 丛北京把四轮电动车运回湖南湘西要多少钱? 有一首歌 和孙悦唱的“大家一起来”英文版的旋律有很的相似指出 谁知道那首歌叫什么