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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 19:21



热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 17:34

1, follow up each branch, regional sales, sales policy implementation feedback;

February 2, all goods safety stock, branch the control; Strive to inventory quantity in healthy state; Assist February, branch procts recipients, and transfers.

3 and follow up new incoming information, timely attention, total warehouse storage provide procts, problems and validity of early warning information procts handled in a timely manner, near validity will inventory costs will to the lowest;

4, audit to handle customer in system and forms of authorization;

5, solve the logistics operation complaints, abrupt changes timely treatment; Control, ensure timeliness delivery; delivery time delivery The logistics cost analysis, optimize logistics system, save the logistics cost.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 17:34

1, follow up each branch, regional sales, sales policy implementation feedback;
February 2, all goods safety stock, branch the control; Strive to inventory quantity in healthy state; Assist February, branch procts recipients, and transfers.
3 and follow up new incoming information, timely attention, total warehouse storage provide procts, problems and validity of early warning information procts handled in a timely manner, near validity will inventory costs will to the lowest;
4, audit to handle customer in system and forms of authorization;
5, solve the logistics operation complaints, abrupt changes timely treatment; Control, ensure timeliness delivery; delivery time delivery The logistics cost analysis, optimize logistics system, save the logistics cost.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 17:34

1. tag along and report the regional sales and policy implementation of all branches.
2. ensure the safety of the item stock in every regular chain and branch to keep the stock quntity in good condition, and help with the procurement and allocation.
3. tag along the storage info. of new items and the total inventory status, timely give warning on the procts' expirdation date and deal with the procts with problems, lower the storage expenses to the most.
4. verify and handle the return and exchange on the interent or in kind.
5. deal with the complaints from the materials flow and the emergencies, take control of the delivery time to ensure all arrivals, analyze and lower the logistics cost through optimization
of the system.
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