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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 18:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:35

Thermal power plants by CAI courseware manufacture, main power system principle 300MW is domestic thermodynamic system and thermal power plants, the multimedia proction in the whole proction process, this paper expounds the thermal power plants, the main heating equipment, thermodynamic system and its running ways. And add new nuclear power and solar power related content, the paper introces its main equipment system and principles. Through the power main systems and equipment to collect the real picture arrangement, make more convenient, introced, and more intuitive understanding of the thermal power plants, the electronic files encyclopedia of the layout and arrange, explains its main heating equipment, thermodynamic system and its operation, adjustment, and the thermal efficiency of thermal power plants are analyzed evaluation, the book including introction, thermal power plants, hot economic evaluation methods and index, thermal power plants, principled thermodynamic system, thermal power plants, comprehensive thermodynamic system, thermal power plants, optimizing operation and adjustment, thermal power plants, the other main auxiliary system. The thermal power plants, "contents reflects the status quo and thermal power plants, the domestic and foreign new technology, new results, and adopts the latest national standards. Finally in some exercises and papers attached.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:36

Abstract: The thermal power plant system of CAI courseware proced by power plants, mainly domestic 300MW thermal unit system and thermal power plants in principle the entire proction process of multimedia proction, describes the main thermal power plants thermal equipment, heating system and its operation way. And add a new nuclear power and solar power related content, introces its main components, systems and principles. Through the main power plant systems and equipment in-kind images collected and reviewed, the presentation is more convenient, more intuitive understanding, and "Thermal power plants," the book was the presentation and organize electronic files, to describe the main thermal equipment, thermal systems and its operation, adjustment, and the thermal economy of thermal power plants was analyzed and evaluated, the book includes an introction, thermal power plant economic evaluation methods and the heat index, thermal power plant thermal system in principle, a comprehensive thermal power plant thermal system, optimal operation and adjustment of thermal power plants, thermal power plants in other major support system. "Thermal Power Plant" content reflects the status of thermal power plants and domestic and foreign new technology, new achievements, and using the latest national standards. Finally, accompanied by part of the problem sets and papers.
Key words: solar thermal power plants nuclear power electronic files CAI courseware

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:36

Thermal power plants CAI courseware proction systems through the proction of power plants, mainly domestic 300MW thermal unit system and thermal power plants in principle the entire proction process of multimedia proction, describes the main thermal power plants thermal equipment, heating system and its way of operation . And add a new nuclear power and solar power related content, introces its main components, systems and principles. Through the main power plant systems and equipment in-kind images collected and reviewed, the presentation is more convenient, more intuitive understanding, and "Thermal power plants, " the book was the presentation and organize electronic files, to describe the main thermal equipment, thermal systems and Its operation, adjustment, and the thermal economy of thermal power plants was analyzed and evaluated, the book includes an introction, thermal power plant economic evaluation methods and the heat index, thermal power plant thermal system in principle, a comprehensive thermal power plant thermal system, Optimal operation and adjustment of thermal power plants, thermal power plants in other major support system. "Thermal Power Plant"content reflects the status of thermal power plants and domestic and foreign new technology, new achievements, and using the latest national standards.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:37

Heat course ware making power plant by cai proction system is mainly because of domestic rotors of300 mw units principle of heat and heat of the power of the proction process multimedia, the heat of the main power of heat, heat of the system and its operation. and adds new nuclear power and solar power of the relevant major equipment and introces the system and principles. through the power plant and equipment in the main system images of the collation to introce more convenient
Keywords : heat courseware cai nuclear power plant solar electronic document
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