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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 20:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 00:27

Hong Kong Ocean Park
Today's holiday, my father and mother went to the Ocean Park.
Ocean Park is very famous in Hong Kong. Most of the tourists come to Hong Kong, and always to visit the amusement park.
In Ocean Park, we can see a variety of marine life. For example, jellyfish, octopus, dolphins and so on.
When the submarine went to Middleton, they saw a lot of sharks, devil fish, dolphin fish, and other sorts of fish. To see them, I feel I'm very happy.
Out of Middleton, one to see KFC and McDonald's, I feel more happy 啦. Stomachs, "cuckoo" to the music started, like Mom and Dad to see, and say "Are you hungry now? I'll eat KFC and McDonald's it, Ha ha!" Into the McDonald's, I sat down, called the chicken, milk and so on food, to eat up ......

After eating , eat belly up, they play mobile games. I went to a Ferris wheel below, looked at it, wow, good high-ah! Mom and Dad took me on the go, saw a lot of beautiful scenery, I am most pleased that I was the first time get on top rides.
Roller coaster went around and saw many sitting in a truck stop in the above is called up, and I cried with them, Mom and Dad laughed, "You're naive ah!" Mom and Dad brought me up sitting in cars, they want me cried heartily, or on the sub-scene of the. Drove up, beginning slowly, and finally how fast scary man. I cried non-stop, next to the brother and sister both laughed ......
Fast the sun goes down, Mom and Dad went home with me today, ah really memorable.









My Summer Vacation
This is my summer vacation. I intend to finish the operation. Then, take a look at China's famous novel. Look at some day. Of course, also want to play with the computer, watch TV. Early every morning to get up and running to run, do other sports. But it is concive to our body! But one thing should not be forgotten. must help parents do the housework! My holiday arrangements like? something good? give suggestions?


Part-time job
It's been a month that the summer vacation went by. We have a long holiday, which is longer than the others. Most of us were plan to find a part-time job in order to kill the boring time while we got the news. So it was the same with me, of coz. I've been itching to take the part-time job when I was in the junior high school, more for getting some value experiences than for money.

Because lots of my friends have works experiences and have a more independent life. They are willing to share their interesting work experiences with me. In the work life, they met many difficulties; they would try to do something on their own. Different kinds of setbacks made them more strong and go easy on everything afterward. I felt somehow ashamed of myself ,I like to be independent, but it is difficult for me. I live under my parents' wings, then hide mine. My parents arrange everything for me,let me denpend on them for food and clothing.I know I can't go on like this. If I couldn't get rid of the protect from them ,I can't be independent.Their love will cut my wings.For this reason,I took the part-time job together with my friends.Our work was demanding, and if our speed was slowly ,we couldn't make much money.Sometimeswe felt disappointed,and made much complaints,even had the thoughts of coming back.But we kept on it.In the work life,we had something fun,something that made us felt sad.I almost forgot. There was a warm-hearted old man,he was a factory security. He took good care of us.And that made us felt happy in the other city.We were very gratefull to him. What a nice old man!Unfortunately,

I got a bad headache and a high temperature when I was planning to go back.That was because the roasting weather and the hard work.Thanks to my friends ,they looked after me ,as if my mother was around.Because of that ,I deeply felt the important of friendship . I just wanted to say,thank you!

When I took the first salary of my life,I knew it's very difficult to make money. All in all,my first work life was over,I learned lots of things. That's meaningful.





热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 00:28

cool summer 清凉一下的英语

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 00:28

╮(╯▽╰)╭ (#‵′)凸

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 00:29


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 00:30

1.don't speak evil of people behind their backs.
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