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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 20:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:09

The blue whale is the biggest a whale in 1904, the elderly are to 1920 whaling in Antarctic waters of a female whale, long 33.58 m, weight 1.7 tons.
The blue whale is the comparison in the size of the largest life on earth. From the age of dinosaurs largest known biological is a Mesozoic Argentina dragon, Argentina dragon estimated 90 tons. The biggest blue whale have multiple is uncertain. Most of the data from the 20th century, the blue whale hunt Antarctic waters by is not proficient in standard data measurement methods of animal whale measurement. The whale is the longest recorded for two female, respectively, and 33.3 meters. 3.36 But the reliability of the measurement. America's national Marine mammals laboratory scientists to measure the length of the longest for 29.9 m, whales and probably Boeing 737 or three double-decker buses.
The blue whale is very big, the head of the tongue can stand 50 people. It's the heart and cars. Baby can climb over its artery, just gave birth to the blue whale cub weighs more than an alt elephant. In the first seven months of life, the whale to drink milk everyday 400 liters. The whale grows quickly, weight increased 90 kilograms every 24 hours.
Because of the huge volume, we cannot directly says it's weight. Most of the blue whale hunt was not the whole head says, whale in weighing before cut it into the right size. Because of the loss of blood and other body fluids, and in this way the blue whale underestimated. Even so, 27 meters long whale record weighed 170 tons of 150 -. The scientists believe that NMML 30 meters long whale estimated more than 180 tons will. Now scientists have NMML accurate measurement of the largest weighs 177 tons.  蓝鲸是须鲸中最大的一种,最长者是1904到1920年间捕于南极海域的一头雌鲸,长33.58m,体重170吨。
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