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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 19:39



热心网友 时间:2022-07-02 03:55

Everybody from the 3-1-3,put your mother*ing hands up and follow me ,look,look ,NOW while he stands tough ,Notice this man did not have his hands up? this Free worls's got you gassed up ,Now ,who is afraid of the big bad wolf, one ,two,three,and to the four,one pac,2pac,3pac,four ,4pac,3pac,2pac,one ,you're pac,he's pac Nomber(No) pac none. the guy no mother*ing ,M!C! I know everyting he's got to say against me , (经典的来了)I am white ,I am a *ing bum I do live in a trailer with my mom ,my boy Future is an Uncle Tom ,I do got a mb friend named Cheddar Bob ,who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun I did get jumped by all six of you chumps ,And Wink did * my girl , I'm still standing here screaming "Fuck the Free world " , Don't never try to judge me de, you don't know what the * I been through but I know something about you You went to Granbrook That's a private school What's the matter,dawg You embarrassed This guy's a gangsta His real name is Clarence Clarence lives at home with both parents ,Clarence's parents have a real good marriage He don't know how to battle He is shook Cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks He's scared to death He's scared to look at his *ing yearbook ,Fucking Crandrook!"(音乐结束了阿姆还在唱)Fuck a beat !I go a cappella!Fuck a papa Doc!Fuck a clock !Fuck a trailer!Fuck everybody!Fucking all if you doubt me!I am a piece of *ing white trash,I say it proudly!And * this battle!I don't want to win!I am out it!Here ,tell these people something they don't know about me !
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