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玩水究竟是play water还是play with water? 急

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 20:28



热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 11:31

是 play with water。


bring (或call) into play cause something to start working so that one can make use of it 使运转,启用,使用 he cannot afford to bring into play the kind of leadership veto that operated all those years ago. 他现在不好再行使那么多年以前起作用的那种领导否决权了。

come into play the state of being active, operative, or effective 开始活动,开始运转,开始起作用 luck comes into play. 运气起作用了。

make a play for informal attempt to attract or attain〈非正式〉 力图吸引,勾引;力图达到,得到。

make (great) play of (或with) draw attention to in an ostentatious manner, typically to gain prestige or advantage (尤指为取得声望或优势)故意卖弄,大肆炒作 the company made great play of their recent growth in profits. 该公司大肆炒作其最近的利润增长。

make play with treat frivolously 轻浮对待,戏弄。

not playing with a full deck 见DECK. play ball 见BALL1 . play both ends against the middle keep one's options open by supporting or favouring opposing sides 为获利而脚踏两只船,使鹬蚌相争而渔翁得利。

play something by ear perform music without having to read from a score 不看乐谱弹奏。

play it by ear informal proceed instinctively according to results and circumstances rather than according to rules or a plan〈非正式〉 见机行事,走一步看一步。


by water using a ship or boat for travel or transport 由水路,乘船 at the end of the lake was a small kiosk, accessible only by water. 湖的尽头有一个亭子,只有坐船才能前往。

cast one's bread upon the waters 见BREAD. like water in great quantities 大量地George was spending money like water. 乔治挥金如土。

make water (of a ship or boat) take in water through a leak(船)进水,漏水。

of the first water (of a diamond or pearl) of the greatest brilliance and transparency(钻石,珍珠)一等水色,最好品质。

(typically of someone or something perceived as undesirable or annoying) extreme or unsurpassed of their kind(尤指不受欢迎或恼人的人、事)极端的,绝顶的 she was a bore of the first water. 她是个十分令人讨厌的人。

under water submerged; flooded 浸水;被淹没。

热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 11:31


英 ['dæb(ə)l]

美 ['dæbl]

热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 11:32

play with water追答固定用法 play with "玩……"

热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 11:32

play water
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