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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-13 18:39



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 12:04

China is the birthplace of kites,and Weifang is one of the chief places where Chinese kites originated.Kite-flying became prevalent in Weifang in the Song Dynasty (960-1279),and by the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)kite-flying had become even more popular,and there had appeared fairs on kites on a rather large scale.Kites were sold nnot only across Shandong ,but also to Jiangsu ,Fujian,Anhui and other places.Kites constructed at Weiafng have had a good impact on the world ,and the noted English scholar Joseph Needham listed kites in his book History of Chinese Science and Technology as one of the important contributions in science and technology that Chinese inttroced to Europe.
In these years when policies of reforms and opening to the outside world are being carried out ,kite construction and kite-flying as time –honoured traditional folk arts have attained splendor and served as a means for cultural and economic exchanges between races of different skin colour who speak different languanges,and as a good-will envoy that promote mutual understanding among them .To enhance exchanges with the outside world ,Weifang has ,on many occasions ,sent kite-flying delegations and groups to many parts of the world to demonstrate kite construction and kite flying and participate in kite-flying contests.In 1984 Weifang opened a new chapter in kite flying byholding an annaul international kite-flying festival.In 1988 Weifang was recognized as the world’skite metroplis,and 1989 saw fouding the IKF and setting up its headquarter in Weifang.That Weifang holds its annual international kite-flying festival has made Weifang better known in China and elsewhere in the world ,promoted its economic take-off and cultual and other social undertakeings and pushed Weifang onto the world arena.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 12:04


热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 12:05

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