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个人简历英文翻译 内容如下:

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 05:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 12:43

Qinxian Yan, female, July 20, 1969 was born.
July 1990-June 1992, magnet wire plant in Jinan City to work as a technician responsible for the safety of the whole plant equipment, technical work force;
July 1992 to March 1998, in Shandong Province energy Architecture and Design Institute as an engineer, mainly in small-scale thermal power plant maintenance professional design work;
March 1998 to March 2000, in Shandong Securities Exchange Securities Trading Center's department, as economist;
March 2000 to October 2005, ZTE Property Management Ltd in Beijing as a personnel manager, is responsible for the company's payroll, staff training, labor contract management, personnel management, recruitment and work of retirees;
November 2005 so far in the State Power Environmental Protection Technology & Environment Group Co., Ltd. Shandong Longyuan as Finance Manager. Mainly responsible for the daily management of the financial sector, the annual budget, funds for general operation control: host of financial statements and the preparation of financial budgets and final accounts for the company to provide timely and effective decision-making financial analysis; responsible to complete the company tax return and annual audit; monitor and forecast more accurate cash flow, monitoring corporate liabilities and capital structure and the reasonable operation of company funds, effective risk control; responsible for coordinating with the fiscal, taxation, banking and other related departments and accounting firms and other relevant intermediaries relationship.

Learning Experiences

Qinxian Yan, female, was born on July 20, 1969 .
September 1976 - July 1982, in Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences School Learning;
September 1982 - 1988 7 months, the first secondary school in Jinan;
September 1988 - 1990 7 months, at the Shandong University of Technology study;
October 2002 - October 2005, the World Economics and Management at Beijing University studying economics, a master's degree in economics.

Basic Skills:- English level: General - Mandarin level: Good - Computer level: Proficient in software such as AUTOCAD and PRO / E Education:- Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Design and Electrical and Electronic Technology from Zhejiang Forestry College Professional Courses:- Engineering M...


英语个人简历翻译一:Name:Gender: female Ethnic composition: the han nationality Political outlook: member Date of birth: October 1986 Marital status: married Education experience 2001-2004 xx city sixth middle school Work experience 2004-2005 in xx city xx self-help hot pot city as th...

英文个人简历范文 带翻译的范文

1、Chinese Name:linyuan,中文名称:林园 2、English Name: Eddy Zhang,英文名:eddy zhang。3、Sex: FEMale,性别:女。4、Born: 6/12/86,出生:6 / 12 / 86。5、University: zhongshan University,大学:中山大学。6、86Major: Marketing,专业市场营销。7、Address: 388#, zhongshan Universi...


英文个人简历如下:Major courses: basic accounting, statistics, management, marketing, international marketing, market research and prediction, macroeconomics, enterprise sales planning, customer relationship management, business psychology, etc.During the school period, he won many national dynamic ...


First, I have a strong kitchen management capabilities, can be a good control of good cost accounting for the management of the kitchen and the development of the catering industry and business ideas have some experience and insights, I have always been hard to keep making progress,...


1: 请介绍你的工作职责 (duty),专业技能( professional skills), 和工作经验(professional experience). (因为对方指明了 with present employer, 所以以上几点都是你当前职业的特点, 不能写以前的经验。 ) (当然你可以简单描述一下以前的工作经验,但重点在现在的工作环境与你的工作能力)2: 希望...

【英文翻译】个人简历 急急急!

个人简历 liu hao 男,1988年出生,汉族,籍贯:重庆市 1995年至2001年在四川省内江市第6小学读书,2001年至2007年就读于四川省内江市第六中学.在校期间,学习努力,乐于助人.且性格开朗,爱好广泛.素描,色彩均过5级,喜欢篮球,网球,乒乓球等运动.本人系高2007级应届高中毕业生,高考中取得了超...


● I can not adapt to the faster speech rate of exchange, but there is great sincerity to get along with your partner.● When I encounter difficulties in life or work, regarded as the challenges will make every effort to complete.● When I was careful to do one thing less ...


September 1997 and documents, June Zhangdian East studying in primary schools all the way September 2001 2004 June studying at the Fifth Zibo September 2004 - 2007 June studying at vocational colleges in Zibo From primary to secondary school during the 11 years of learning, the teacher...


是翻译成英文吗?Self-evaluation:I am cheerful, stable, dynamic, treating others with enthusiasm and sincerity. The work of a conscientious and responsible, initiative, and be able to hard-working. Have strong organizational skills, practical hands-on ability and teamwork spirit, able to...

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...是我国著名的菜系,其中粤菜正宗的来源是( )A.d省B.e省C 粤菜广东菜的发源地在那里 粤菜、豫菜、湘菜的来源地是哪里? 粤菜来自哪个省份 辽宁科技学院宿舍怎么样啊? ...AC的垂直平分线EF交AC于点E,交BC于点F, 求证:BF=2CF。 ...AC的垂直平分线EF交AC于点E,交BC于点F。求证:BF=2CF ...AC的垂直平分线EF交AC于E,交BC于F.求证:BF=2CF ...ac的垂直平分线ef交ac于点e,交bc于点f,求证:bf=2cf ...AC的垂直平分线EF交AC于点E,交BC于点F.求证:BF=2CF 西瓜马上就成熟一天炸了100多个,瓜农损失惨重怎么办? 山东师范大学是一本还是二本? OPPOA57刷机变砖怎么办 山东师范大学什么时候才能评上双一流? 西瓜炸裂怎么办 oppor5升级后无法正常开机。 怎样才能打开usb调试连接电脑,重新放入升级程序。 青岛有多少家证券营业部? 西瓜没成熟炸裂了咋回事呀 oppo手机变砖如何刷机? 山东临沂商品中心是证券交易所吗? 西瓜颈头炸裂 oppo手机变砖怎么刷机 济南市立五院附近的证券公司 西瓜还没成熟就炸开了,用什么方法能防止? 中国公司在美国或者香港上市算什么股, 是中小板 还是创业板 ? 手机变砖而且还连不上电脑怎么办 请问济南市所有的证券营业部地址&电话 西瓜熟了为什么会裂开? 在美国纽约上市的股票叫什么股 oppo a77手机成假砖,可以进入coloros恢复模式,但连不上电脑,卡刷刷不成,怎么办? OPPO829T手机变砖连接电脑时总是自动开机怎么办~怎么才能叫手机连接到电脑上~ 中国有在纽约股票交易所上市的公司吗? 西瓜在快成熟的时候下雨炸裂 oppor7p手机变砖了怎么办 msm8x39显示连不上 长按开机键也没用一直这样 山东师范大学双学位社会认可度怎么样? 西瓜炸裂如何治疗?种植的西瓜炸裂了有什么补救方法吗?问的是用什么农药可以治疗或者推迟西瓜炸裂吗? oppor9s救砖怎么连接电脑 山东师范大学和宁波大学哪所好些 邹城市有证券交易所吗?在哪里 OPPO手机变砖了,怎么办? 西瓜爆炸的具体事件 中国的公司是怎样在美国纽约交易所上市的?(详细程序是怎样的) 山东师范大学修双学位的有哪些专业? 淄博市临淄区股票交易大厅在什么位置 OPPO A51kc刷机变砖了怎么办,怎么样救砖啊,求帮忙。 种植的西瓜为什么会炸裂? 纽约证券交易所上市的企业有哪些 山东师范大学双学位。 山东师范大学可以申请双学士学位吗 膨大剂的西瓜膨大事件