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紧急求救!! 英文翻译!! 不要机器翻译!1

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-14 00:11



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 01:04

When a young man, always busy striving for, in order to busy life.
But when we stopped, turned, and then realize that there are a lot of details have been ignored. Those important, it is important to people is gone forever.

The house shape is of special significance, the brick wall is not complete, there will be a symbol of life in many important details that we often lose sight of, aware of the wait time has become irrevocable.

Suitable for all ages, as long as they want to commemorate something or some people. This is because it has a powerful consumer group.

It is not the season, time of the impact of environmental factors, the spending power of a stable, well worth the investment.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 01:05

When a young man, always busy striving for, in order to busy life.
But when we stopped, turned, and then realize that there are a lot of details have been ignored. Those important, it is important to people is gone forever.
The house shape is of special significance, the brick wall is not complete, there will be a symbol of life in many important details that we often lose sight of, aware of the wait time has become irrevocable.
Suitable for all ages, as long as they want to commemorate something or some people. This is because it has a powerful consumer group.
It is not the season, time of the impact of environmental factors, the spending power of a stable, well worth the investment.
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