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shadow shape figure 三个词的区分

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 16:19



热心网友 时间:2023-08-28 18:40

个人觉得是shadow, 但是看了一下字典反而不确定了. 楼主看看字典吧
我看完了结果更像figure. 但是要说在黑暗中的话我还是坚持shadow是最贴切的, 因为影子嘛..

shadow |ˈSHadō|
1 a dark area or shape proced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface: trees cast long shadows.
• partial or complete darkness, esp. as proced in this way: the north side of the cathedral was deep in shadow | (shadows) : a stranger slowly approached from the shadows.
• the shaded part of a picture.
• a dark patch or area on a surface: there are dark shadows beneath your eyes.
• a region of opacity on a radiograph: shadows on his lungs.
• short for eyeshadow.
2 used in reference to proximity, ominous oppressiveness, or sadness and gloom: the shadow of war fell across Europe | only one shadow lay over Sally's life.
• used in reference to something insubstantial or fleeting: a freedom that was more shadow than substance.
• used in reference to a position of relative inferiority or obscurity: he lived in the shadow of his father.
• [ with negative ] the slightest trace of something: she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was lying.
• a weak or inferior remnant or version of something: this fine-looking, commanding man had become a shadow of his former self.
• an expression of perplexity or sadness: a shadow crossed Maria's face.
3 an inseparable attendant or companion: her faithful shadow, a Yorkshire terrier called Heathcliffe.
• a person secretly following and observing another.
• a person who accompanies someone in their daily activities at work in order to gain experience at or insight into a job.
• [ usu. as modifier ] Brit.the opposition counterpart of a government minister: the shadow Chancellor.

shape |SHāp|
1 the external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something; the outline of an area or figure: she liked the shape of his nose | houseplants come in all shapes and sizes | chest freezers are square or rectangular in shape.
• a person or thing that is difficult to see and identify clearly: he saw a shape through the mist.
• a specific form or guise assumed by someone or something: a fiend in human shape.
• a piece of material, paper, etc., made or cut in a particular form: stick paper shapes on for the puppet's eyes and nose.
2 [ with adj. ] the particular condition or state of someone or something: he was in no shape to drive | the building was in poor shape.
• the distinctive nature or qualities of something: the future shape and direction of the country.
• definite or orderly arrangement: check that your structure will give shape to your essay.

figure |ˈfigyər|
1 a number, esp. one that forms part of official statistics or relates to the financial performance of a company: official census figures | a figure of 30,000 deaths annually from snakebite.
• a numerical symbol, esp. any of the ten in Arabic notation: the figure 7.
• one of a specified number of digits making up a larger number, used to give a rough idea of the order of magnitude: their market price runs into five figures | [ in combination ] : a six-figure salary.
• an amount of money: a figure of two thousand dollars.
• (figures) arithmetical calculations: she has no head for figures .
2 a person's bodily shape, esp. that of a woman and when considered to be attractive: she had always been so proud of her figure.
• a person seen indistinctly, esp. at a distance: a backpacked figure appeared in the distance.
• a person of a particular kind, esp. one who is important or distinctive in some way: Williams became something of a cult figure.
• a representation of a human or animal form in drawing or sculpture: starkly painted figures.
3 a shape defined by one or more lines in two dimensions (such as a circle or a triangle), or one or more surfaces in three dimensions (such as a sphere or a cuboid), either considered mathematically in geometry or used as a decorative design: a red ground with white and blue geometric figures.
• a diagram or illustrative drawing, esp. in a book or magazine: figure 1 shows an ignition circuit.
• Figure Skating a movement or series of movements following a prescribed pattern and often beginning and ending at the same point.
• a pattern formed by the movements of a group of people, for example in square dancing or synchronized swimming, as part of a longer dance or display.
• archaic the external form or shape of a thing.
4 Music a short succession of notes procing a single impression.
5 Logic the form of a syllogism, classified according to the position of the middle term.
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