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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 15:52






First,prepare the ingredients:meat、cabbage、dumping wrappers、salt.Next ,cut up the meat and cabbage into thin pieces and mix them together.Then put this mixture into the dumpling wrappers.OK,now,we can pour these dumplings into the boiling water.finally,you can serve them to ...


Finally, my grandparents delivered an address, which was quite impressing and encouraging. They shared their expectation toward me and other kids, and they also talked about how grateful they were having us here with them.I was very moved.Through this Spring Festival Dinner ,i learned...

汤圆的做法英文用first next then finally的形式

Ingredients:Glutinous rice flour、Hot water、sesame、sugar、oil First, pour the glutinous rice flour into the container, and use high-temperature boiling water to form a group. (Must use very hot boiling water, otherwise the glutinous rice flour is not sticky.) The water is too h...

关于包饺子的英语作文,用first then next finally来写制作过程

篇四:How to Make Dumplings     Chinese boiled dumplings are not only delicious to eat but also easy to make.    First,make the filling. You can choose your favorite meat, say pork, beef, or mutton, chop it up and mix it with chopped ...


extensive. Say to yourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.


morning . First we cleaned our houses in the morning . Next we were dressed up and got ready for the festival. Then we helped mother to make some delious food such as dishes, fruits ,dumplings and so on. In the evening we made dumplings and set off fireworks . Finally we ...


i get up at six every day.first, i put on my clothes.next, i wash my face and brush my teeth. then , i have breakfast with my parents.finally, i pick up my backpack and go to school.


morning . First we cleaned our houses in the morning . Next we were dressed up and got ready for the festival. Then we helped mother to make some delious food such as dishes, fruits ,dumplings and so on. In the evening we made dumplings and set off fireworks . Finally we ...


to make it by yourself.First,you can buy some raw material which is usually freezed in the super-market.Next,just put it into your micro-wave oven,then,fix the time of cooking.Perhaps,in 5 minutes,you will get the pop corns.Finally,you take it out and you can enjoy it.

first then last that’s all right on the first day its a pleasure after that 接着可以next和then then和next区别 next和then FirstneXt
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