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汤圆的做法英文用first next then finally的形式

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 15:52



热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 10:22

Ingredients:Glutinous rice flour、Hot water、sesame、sugar、oil

First, pour the glutinous rice flour into the container, and use high-temperature boiling water to form a group. (Must use very hot boiling water, otherwise the glutinous rice flour is not sticky.) The water is too hot to hang. You can use chopsticks first, and wait for the temperature to cool down before using your hands.

Next, place the glutinous rice dough for 30 minutes. Stir-fry sesame seeds in a frying pan and grind them into powder in a winch.

Then add sugar and oil and rub them continuously until the sugar melts.

Finally, divide the glutinous rice balls into several equal parts and wrap them with sesame fillings (some people like to twist the fillings into a circle and wrap them with glutinous rice balls).

After boiling the water, put the mplings in, float them in a few minutes.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 10:23

Ingredients: 1 package glutinous rice flour, peanuts 500g, the amount of sugar, lard amount, the amount of water.
Methods / proceres
1, first prepare a package mpling powder.
2, fried peanuts, peanut skin stripped after cooling, and then crushed peanuts.
3. In a bowl pour sugar, peanuts, the right amount of lard, mix well.
4, mpling powder into a bowl, add the amount of water, kneading.
5, the start packet mplings.
6, into the amount of water in the pot, the water boiled into mplings. Until mplings float to remove.

做法:First、 Put the sugar in the bowl, add a little osmanthus, hemp seed and flour, add a little boiling water, mix well, put it on the table, use a knife to make a 1.5-minute thick slice, and cut a 1.5-minute cube of dice, that is, the filling for the Lantern...

汤圆的做法英文用first next then finally的形式

Ingredients:Glutinous rice flour、Hot water、sesame、sugar、oil First, pour the glutinous rice flour into the container, and use high-temperature boiling water to form a group. (Must use very hot boiling water, otherwise the glutinous rice flour is not sticky.) The water is too h...


桂林汤圆比一般的汤圆个稍小,是用上好糯米磨浆, 压干成粉, 再和成团做皮,以桂林特产桂花糖或麻蓉、椰蓉、豆蓉等做馅制成。煮汤圆可用黄糖或冰糖, 也可配以糯米甜酒或鸡蛋。滑爽、营养丰富,是小吃中的名品。 菜名:扒丝芋头 采用桂林特产的荔蒲芋头,削皮后用蛋青、淀粉裹入后油炸,待炸到色泽鲜黄时浇上糖...


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