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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 03:20



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 09:33

With the development of society and economy, people to design of demand is increasing day by day. But we modern graphic design of existing in some mistaken ideas out becomes, for example: 1, historical precipitation of dilution and humanistic spirit, the lack of modern and traditional disconnection between 2, 3, the function and form than beauty. So about exploring our modern graphic design, how to realize the localization, the regional problems became modern many graphic design one of the goals of the workers. This paper the study found that want to change this situation, need a deeper level of design from the spirit come up change, especially modern graphic design aesthetic idea to the traditional aesthetic ideas with our consistent; Because the traditional Chinese aesthetics system is really profound, this paper round the corner: the concept of literati paintings to explore our country modern graphic design can be used for reference. Through the literati paintings to proce development process as well as the guiding principle of the philosophy analysis, found the literati paintings of the "mood" aesthetic said, and the picture in the artistic conception of highly "weak" "clear" etc realm. Looking for the "mood" picture of modern graphic design said can be used for reference, and analysis in the aesthetic idea of literati paintings composition program law, colour system, a large number of repeated send scholars have moral integrity code of conct subjects, and the literati paintings unique: poem &handwriting printed on the how to use these features to our modern graphic design of creation.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 09:33


热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 09:34




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