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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 03:20



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 09:43

Abstract: Throughout the ages many philosophers and scholars have endless inquiry and inquiry and significance of its own raison d'etre, so people are keen to prop up the text material Yan Zhi, Cho found a landscape painter in the form of this ideal through it the perfect explanation of the of heaven and earth view of human relationships.
However, times change, feelings change with the things to move, all on behalf of the literati aesthetic advocated undergoing change and heritage and development of the same landscape is no exception. Since the beginning of the Han through Tang Wei Yuan for five generations the meaning and form of landscape painting in the continuous development and improvement. The mood of the U.S. landscape is even more clear as daylight. Therefore, "mood" is a work of art the soul of Chinese landscape painting, one of the highest goal to pursue, so that landscapes have a higher level and mood.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 09:43

Throughout the ages many philosophers and scholars have endless inquiry and inquiry and significance of its own raison d'etre, so people are keen to prop up the text material Yan Zhi, Cho found a landscape painter in the form of this ideal through it the perfect explanation of heaven and earth view of human relationships.
However, times change, feelings change with the things to move, all on behalf of the literati aesthetic advocated undergoing change and heritage and development of the same landscape is no exception. Since the beginning of the Han through Tang Wei Yuan for five generations the meaning and form of landscape painting in the continuous development and improvement. The mood of the U.S. landscape is even more clear as daylight. Therefore, "mood" is a work of art the soul of Chinese landscape painting, one of the highest goal to pursue, so that landscapes have a higher level and mood.
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