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美国皮茨福德萨瑟兰高中 谁可以把详细资料告诉我!谢谢!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 03:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:02

Pittsford Sutherland High School (Top 100, #84)
55 Sutherland St
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telephone: (585) 267-1102

One of the two high schools in the town is located at 55 Sutherland Street (from which the school gets its name). Located in the historic Village of Pittsford, Pittsford Sutherland High School has consistently been ranked as one of the top 100 high schools in the nation according to an annual listing in Newsweek.

Sutherland has a wide and diverse array of extracurricular activities open to the student body including several sports teams, Model United Nations, Political Advocates club, Fight Club, Desi Club, Fishing Club, National Honour Society, Interact Club, Drama Club, and more, plus regionally acclaimed drama and musical theatre proctions in the fall and spring, respectively. The Sutherland Jazz Ensemble often performs at the nearby Rochester International Jazz Festival. The Knightly News is composed of kids who make short videos (skits and news) of the school.

School Data
Grades Served 9-12
Magnet School No
Charter School No
Admissions Type Open Enrollment
NCES Locale Type Suburb, Large Territory
Receives Title I Funding Yes
Demographic Data
Enrollment 993
Minority Enrollment (% of total) 4.6%
Black Enrollment (% of total) 3.5%
Hispanic Enrollment (% of total) 0.9%
American Indian Enrollment (% of total) 0.1%
Asian Enrollment (% of total) 6.8%
White Enrollment (% of total) 88.7%
Economically Disadvantaged Student Enrollment (% of total) 4.0%
Overall Student Performance
State Test Performance Index 133.0
Poverty-Adjusted Performance Index 1.01
Disadvantaged Student Performance
Disadvantaged Students' State Test Proficiency Rate 92.3
Disadvantaged Students Performance Gap 27.0
Non-disadvantaged Students' State Test Proficiency Rate 98.5
Current State Test Achievement Gap 6.1
College-Ready Student Performance
College Readiness Index 66.7
Quality-Adjusted Exams Per Test Taker 4.2
Participation Rate 73.5%
Quality-Adjusted Participation rate 64.5%
Participant Passing Rate 87.8%
Exams Per Test Taker 4.8
Exam Passing Rate 87.8%
Advanced Placement Student Performance
Quality-Adjusted AP Exams Per Test Taker 4.2
AP Participation Rate 73.5%
Quality-Adjusted AP Participation Rate 64.5%
AP Participant Passing Rate 87.8 %
AP Exams Per Test Taker 4.8
AP Exam Pass Rate 87.8%
International Baccalaureate Student Performance
Quality-Adjusted IB Exams Per Test Taker Not Available
IB Participation Rate Not Available
Quality-Adjusted IB Participation Rate Not Available
IB Participant Passing Rate Not Available
IB Exams Per Test Taker Not Available
IB Exam Pass Rate Not Available
IB Diploma Per IB Test Taker Not Available
IB Diploma Per Grade 12 Enrollment Not Available
Criteria for Medals
Gold Medal:
Top 100 schools nationally based on the College Readiness Index
Silver Medal:
all other schools with a college readiness index of at least 20 but that are not ranked in the top 100 nationally
Bronze Medal:
either do not offer AP or IB or do not achieve a college readiness index of at least 20 but successfully meet the other two key performance indicator criteria
Honorable Mention:
schools that achieved very high levels of college readiness but only partially met state test performance criteria

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:03

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