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英语作文:signs and rules around uss(10句话)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 17:22



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 18:20

There are many signs and rules around us .Rules and signs are becoming common to everybody. At home,there are lots of family rules and school rules at school.
It is easy for us to find the "no somoking" signs on the underground and in theatres.
Moreover, there are signs stand for different directions on the road and distinct bans for every circumstance.
For example, there may be a "throw in" sign beside a rubbish bin, and a "dangerous" sign on the side of a deep swimming pool.
Signs around us are important because they tell us what we should or shouldn't do at the moment.
Every citizen is obliged to obey signs around us.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 18:20

Nowadays,there are so many rules around us:School rules,public rules,traffic rules even rules to be a successful person.Therefore,much of us would woder that are these rules helpful for us?
The answer is some would but some not.Let's guess what would happen if there is no traffic rules?Of course,people cannot control the road orderly and there must be lots of traffic accident.
But also,there are too many unreasonable rules to prevent us achieving goats.For instant,many company refuse to employ women because they think women are not strong and smart as men.It is a fause rule,but we cannot change it.
In a word,we should obey the public rules to make our life orderly,but if it is a fause rule,we should refuse it and respect our principles.


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