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找歌 一首英文歌 副歌歌词: 嘿嘿嘿哈哈哈嘿

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 13:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 14:16


Hey Hey You You
I don't like your girlfriend
No way No way
I think you need a new one
Hey Hey You You
I could be your girlfriend

Hey Hey You You
I know that you like me
No way No way
No, it's not a secret
Hey Hey You You
I want to be your girlfriend

You're so fine
I want you mine
You're so delicious
I bet you think
You're all the time
So addictive
Don't you know
What I can do
To make you feel alright

Don't pretend
I think you know
I'm damn precious
Hell Yeah
I'm the mother *ing princess
I can tell you like me too
And you know I'm right

She's like so whatever
You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
Well that's what everyone's talking about

Hey Hey You You
I don't like your girlfriend
No way No way
I think you need a new one
Hey Hey You You
I could be your girlfriend

Hey Hey You You
I know that you like me
No way No way
No, it's not a secret
Hey Hey You You
I want to be your girlfriend

I can see the way
See the way
You look at me
And even tough you look away
I know you think of me
I know you talk about me everytime
again and again

So come over here
and tell me what I wanna hear
Better, yeah, make your girlfriend dissapear
I don't wanna hear you say her name
ever again

She's like so whatever
You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
Well that's what everyone's talking about

Hey Hey You You
I don't like your girlfriend
No way No way
I think you need a new one
Hey Hey You You
I could be your girlfriend

Hey Hey You You
I know that you like me
No way No way
No, it's not a secret
Hey Hey You You
I want to be your girlfriend

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, I can do it better
There're no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, I can do it better
There're no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

Hey Hey You You
I don't like your girlfriend
No way No way
I think you need a new one
Hey Hey You You
I could be your girlfriend

(No Way)

Hey Hey You You
I know that you like me
No way No way
No, it's not a secret
Hey Hey You You
I want to be your girlfriend

Hey Hey You You
I don't like your girlfriend ( No Way!)
No way No way
I think you need a new one (Hey!)
Hey Hey You You
I could be your girlfriend (No Way!)

Hey Hey You You
I know that you like me (Now Way!)
No way No way
No, it's not a secret (Hey!)
Hey Hey You You
I want to be your girlfriend (No Way!)
Hey Hey!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 14:16


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 14:17


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 14:17


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 14:18

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