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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 22:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 13:20










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Genetic Mineralogy of RuShan Gold Field, Jiaodon ,China

Li Shengrong ChenGuangyuan ShaoWei SunDaisheng


Muping-Rushan metallogenic zone,dealt with in the present monograph and located in the eastern part of Jiaodong area,the capital of gold in China,has been ex loited for old earlier than Zhaoyuan zone,the western part of Jiaodon ,Unfortunately,the former had lagon behand in this aspect the latter since 1949.On the basis of investigation on old ex-oration history of Shandong province and old metallogenic laws,Professor Chenguangyuan pointed out that both of Muping-Rushan zone and Zhaoyuan zone bear excellent gold metallogenic condition,much more work should be down for the development of gold resources in Muping-Rushan region.This monograph is part of the fulfilment of the scientific research group headed by Professor Chen.The authors concted a broad investigation on the gold metallogenic ground in Muping-Rushan region and paid more attention to the characteristics of genetic mineralogy and prospecting nineralogy of Rushan gold field,one of the most important fields of the region,and the gold forming potential of Kunyushan adamellite,which acted as the wallrock of most deposits here.

The monograph contains 8 chapters.

In chapter 1,the author analyses the action of stratigraphy,igneous rocks especially Kunyushan adanellite and regional structure in the forning or gold ore.It is recognized that the metamorphic strata,the rchaean Jiaodong group and the Proterozoic Jingshan group made contribution for gold mineralization in different ways.Rocks of the Jiaodong group,characteristixally the metamorphic equivalent of basic intrusive and volcanic rocks,released element Au ring its remelting course.Rocks of the migration and concentration of Au.Their richness in Fe is partial reason for the Fe richness in gold ore here.

Chapter 2 gives a broad view on the geology of Rushan gold field with special e phases on wallrock alteration and metallogenic stages.It is known that there are two kinds of altered rocks,redised biotitebearing adamellite and beresite.The former represents migration zone of ore materials and the latter is a zone where ore materials started to sediment.The development of them, therefore, bears much significance to the forming of ore deposits.The authors points out that an excessively broad(pyrite-)beresite zone might lead to dispersion of ore materials.With regard to the metallogenic process,the authors recognized two periods including eight stages.The first period is characterized by quartz-pyrite-siderite association and the second is characterized by secularite-cal-cite ol association.The supraposition of two periods of ore materials is a very profitable phenomenon.

Chapter 3 makes detailed studies on the genetic mineralogy and prospecting mineralogy of K-feldspar,plagioclase and mica in the wallrock of Rushan gold deposits,Kunyushan adamellite and related altered rocks and some other intermediate-acid intrusion.The following major information are drew out:

1.Kunyushan adamell te belongs to I-type magnetite series with few S-type features.showing its inherited characters from the rocks of Jiaodong Group.

2.Kunyushan adamellite is rich in gold,silver and barium and poor in poly matals.It is profitable to the forming of gold and barite ores.

y3.The studg kinds of minerals in altered zonesof the three ives evidences for the ore material contributiin of wallrock to the deposits here.4.Some prospecting criteria are worked out.Chapters 4,5,6 study genetic mineralo y and prospecting mineralogy of quartz,p yrite and gold minerals in Rushan gold field.Ten mineralogical maps reveals equal-distance distribution of rich ore sectors,the migration direction of auriferrous hydrothermal fluid,the denudation of the deposits,the connection of the ore-materials to Jiaodong Group and Jingshan Group.It is concluded that,the deposit in Jinqingding,one of the largest in Rusha hgold field is a middle-low temperature deposit with shallow denudation.The fourth ric sector is predicted,and a lot of mineralogical criteria for gold prospecting are brought out.

On the basis of mineralogical studies,refering to other data,the authors discuss the genesis of the deposits in chapter 7 and works out a metallogenic model.

Chapter 8 summrizes gold prospecting criteria and brings up the authors′view on the prospect of Rushan gold deposits,Shanjia gold deposit and Muping-Rushan rengion

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