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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 19:40



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 08:38


热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 08:39

// YUNA_2006_7_10
// The way to deal with hannio without digui
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <malloc.h>

// I will use a stuct to settle the problem
// the struct below is one point of the stuct
struct step
int counter; // the number of the disk
int begin; // the begin number
int temper; // the temp number
int end; // the end number
struct step *pre; // the pointer to point before

struct step *root = ( step * )malloc( sizeof( step ) ); // this is the end of the stuct

// fucion main begin here
int main()
step *temp = ( step * )malloc( sizeof( step ) ); // the temp to put data for temp
step *newstep; // the new step
step *top = root; // top is root in the first
cout << "Input the number of the disc:" << endl; // prompt
cin >> root->counter; // get the number of the disks

root->pre = NULL; // make the root`s data
root->begin = 1;
root->temper = 2;
root->end = 3;

// do part of a do/while
// when the disks` number is 1
if( top->counter == 1 ){
cout << top->begin << "to" << top->end << endl;
top = top->pre;

// put the top`s data into temp
temp->begin = top->begin;
temp->temper = top->temper;
temp->end = top->end;
temp->counter = top->counter;

// let the top become the first step
top->begin = temp->temper;
top->temper = temp->begin;
top->end = temp->end;
top->counter = temp->counter-1;

// push the secound step
newstep = ( step * )malloc( sizeof( step ) );
newstep->begin = temp->begin;
newstep->temper = temp->temper;
newstep->end = temp->end;
newstep->counter = 1;
newstep->pre = top;
top = newstep;

// push the third step
newstep = ( step * )malloc( sizeof( step ) );
newstep->begin = temp->begin;
newstep->temper = temp->end;
newstep->end = temp->temper;
newstep->counter = temp->counter-1;
newstep->pre = top;
top = newstep;
}while( top != NULL ); // end in top = root->pre

return 0;
} // end main

// 本程序只有一主函数,并没有使用递归

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