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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 20:36



热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 21:09

Contemporary illustrators were "mixed style"
As the same time, Yi Lianzhao hand-painted and digital, some illustrations of young artists created a new style - mix. They are keen to work hand-painted by their own camera or scanner into the computer, and then do post-processing software. This approach brings the artwork into a new phase, e to a combination of hand-drawn and digital illustrations of the advantages and the essence of the hybrid works immediately demonstrated strong competitive and attractive, so many are flocking illustrator. Quickly, in the poster, CD cover, book cover or even a lot of TV ads, can find a hybrid style of figure, it is like a new era has become the darling of illustrator sector.
Reflect the illustrator's personality while meeting their imagination
Hand-painted illustrations to reflect the artist's personality. Artists in the creative process of flashing thinking, the inspiration for swimming, as well as their unique style of the pen, can record 11 through the drawing paper and pen. These hand-painted works reflect a particular mood and environment of people, goods, things, and even record the author was committed minor errors. All the elements of personalization can be the viewer glance, the impression left them fresh, and the formation of the artist's own "brand." This is full of "CTRL + Z and CTRL + Y" of the world need this kind of personality, "not perfect" art. At the same time, because it can be photographed, scanned and processed in the computer later, mixed illustrations, while maintaining its unique "process charm", the illustrator and can make unlimited imagination, digital elements and paper, brush strokes of the texture combine to create a unique charm works.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 21:10


热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 21:10

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