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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 00:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 18:44

  这首歌是奥斯卡电影《三步杀人曲》中的插曲《sutter's mill》,中文译为《萨特的磨坊》。演唱者:Dan Fogelberg(丹弗格伯特顿)。是较有影响力的一首乡村名谣。
  Sutter's Mill
  Songer:Dan Fogelberg
  In the spring of forty-seven,
  So the story, it is told,
  Old john sutter went to the mill site
  Found a piece of shining gold.
  Well, he took it to the city
  Where the word, like wildfire, spread.
  And old john sutter soon came to wish he'd
  Left that stone in the river bed.
  For they came like herds of locusts
  Every woman, child and man
  In their lumbering conestogas
  They left their tracks upon the land.
  Some would fail and some would prosper
  Some would die and some would kill
  Some would thank the lord for their deliverance
  And some would curse john sutter's mill.
  Well, they came from new york city,
  And they came from alabam'
  With their dreams of finding fortunes
  In this wild unsettled land.
  Well, some fell prey to hostile arrows
  As they tried to cross the plains.
  And some were lost in the rocky mountains
  With their hands froze to the reins.
  Some would fail and some would prosper
  Some would die and some would kill
  Some would thank the lord for their deliverance
  And some would curse john sutter's mill.
  Well, some pushed on to california
  And others stopped to take their rest.
  And by the spring of eighteen-sixty
  They had opened up the west.
  And then the railroad came behind them
  And the land was plowed and tamed,
  When old john sutter went to meet his maker,
  He'd not one penny to his name.
  Some would fail and some would prosper
  Some would die and some would kill
  Some would thank the lord for their deliverance
  And some would curse john sutter's mill.
  And some would curse john sutter's mill
  Some men's thirsts are never filled.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 18:44

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