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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 21:45



热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 21:18

1. Do you think that public servants' welfare is an advantage over others?

2. Which do you value, welfare or salary?

3. If you are a member of "moonlight communities", what's the reason for your spending all your salary per month?

4. Thank you for co-operation and support. What is your suggestion of our survey?

热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 21:18

1. Do you think welfare is a big advantange for those civil servants?
2. Which one do you prefer, welfare or salary?
3. If you are a moonlight person, what's your reason for using up your salary each month?
4. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Do you have any comments or suggestions for our survey?

热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 21:19

1.Do you think that material benefits is one of the advantages in Public Servant's work?
2.Which do you pay more attention to, material benefits or salary?
3.Given that you were a moonlite,what is the reason that you spent your salary so quickly?
4.Thank you for your cooperation and support.Do you have any opinion or advice to our survey?

热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 21:20

1. Do you think welfare is a major advantage of the civil service?
2. For the welfare and pay more attention to what aspects of your salary?
3. If you are a paycheck to paycheck, spend a month because wages will be?
4. Thank you for your cooperation and support of our investigation you have any comments and suggestions?

热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 21:20

1 Do you think that welfare is a big advantage for puvlic servants?
2 Which do you value more,the welfare or the salary?
3 If you are a moon lite,what's the reason that you spend all of your salary?
4 Thank you for your cooperation and support.Do you have any suggestion or ideas to our research?
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