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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 04:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:41

1 if i have a chance to ask judges. i'm to ask judges What do you think
of Juvenile delinquency(青少年犯罪)?How to take precautions to (采取防护措施)stop it? In recent years, the juvenile crime rate rises sharply(青少年犯罪率急剧上升). Nearly caused widespread concern in the community.(引起了社会广泛关注) It is great harmful to society.(对社会危害性极大) there is a word that the young are strong, the country strong (少年强则国强). Teenagers carry on the National responsibility(青少年背负着国家重任). So the problem of Juvenile delinquency needs to resolve (解决).
2 both(两者皆是), whoever is both a giver and a taker (我们都是给予者也是接受者).We give also accept (我们给与的同时也会接受). Such as Help others ,you can get happiness or prise. (如帮助了别人,我们会受到赞扬与获得快乐)
3 i can't imagine that .i think the world will be in mass(处于混乱). Female psychology (心理)is diffrent from male. Relation to male, Women's psychological bearing capacity cannot exceed the male(女性心理承受力不如男性) .and physical as well。The female physiological aspects wil affect their work or the mood(女性生理上的一些事会影响她们的工作和心情). The most important, women who want children, giving birth to a child for a woman is to the body a fatal (致命的)wound, give birth to a child will advance aging for three years, and take care of the children ,which make women can 't put their heart and soul into work like a man in the society .besides ,generally speaking , men often is more smart than women. So that i 'm glad to rule the world is men.
兄弟 这可是我辛辛苦苦写的啊,我觉得是新单词的给你把意思写出来了,希望对你有帮助。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:41

2.until now,i thinnk i am a taker as all we know,i am student now,and maybe i have no ability to contribute to the society,to my parents,to all the peoplw who once help me.but i promise,i will try best to be a giver in the future.Giving makes me happy and satisfying when i see someone is smiling because of my giving.The society needs more people to give,not take.if everyone is being a taker,i can't imagine how the world will be.
3.If woman rule the world,i don't think it will cause any changes in the world.IN my opinion,everyone is equal in the world,no matter woman,man,the disabled or the healthy.Everyone has the right to be the king or queen of the world as long as he/she has the ablity.Nowadays,as we all know,more and more women appear on the political stage both in China and foreign countrie such as Hilary.It proves that women are as perfect as men.
1.Maybe i will ask something about myself.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:42

If woman rule the world,i don't think it will cause any changes in the world.IN my opinion,everyone is equal in the world,no matter woman,man,the disabled or the healthy.Everyone has the right to be the king or queen of the world as long as he/she has the ablity.Nowadays,as we all know,more and more women appear on the political stage both in China and foreign countrie such as Hilary.It proves that women are as perfect as men.
1.Maybe i will ask something about myself.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:42

1.if i have this opportunity i well ask how to became a successful lawer,
做了电脑系统运行变慢电脑突然变的很卡开机很慢打开软件要很久是什么原... 春兰空调显示E4保护怎么处理 春兰空调出现e4是什么情况 ...我是北方的,不知道在南方都需要准备些什么? 大一要去辽宁上大学了要准备些什么呢?在那边生活要注意什么呢?例如在... 算命说我不过继就结婚晚是么意思? ...10点过肚子就饿得难受,我还在读书,不知道是怎么回事,求解答,谢谢... ...而且吃饱了的怎么不到10点肚子很饿,很想吃东西是不是有什么病_百度... 我晚餐已吃饱,但到10点左右又饿了要吃点东西,我以前没有吃夜宵的习惯... 白天不饿,,,到了晚上老想吃东西就是饿我是怎么了 matcher是什么人 我想要一篇演讲稿To be a giver rather than a taker 初中作文《 开在心中的花朵》 拓展训练的价值是什么?? 《盛开在心中的花朵》记叙文,800字左右。 白骨精陪猪八戒歇后语 补全歇后语 西游记里面的歇后语,部分的。 四年级下册语文课文26课的人物是一个怎样的人 孙悟空三打白骨精歇后语 关于孙悟空三打白骨精的歇后语 求人教版四年级下册语文第七单元习作:我最敬佩的一个人 白骨精歇后语,白骨精下一句 硫黄制取硫酸的化学方程式 工业制造硫酸、合成氨、高炉炼铁、海水提镁的化学方程式 急急急!!! 白骨精照镜子里外不是人的意思 白骨精照镜子打一歇后语哦!? 求制硫酸,*,氨,氯气,二氧化硫的工业制法与实验制法的化学方程式,感激不尽! 工业接触法制硫酸的3个反应 化学方程式分别是? 四年级下册语文令我敬佩的一个人--爷爷350字 是农民的 英语演讲 To be a giver rather than a taker bride-taker是什么意思? 作文题目:开在心中的花朵 求GIVER 复仇的赠与人 百度云免费在线观看资源 想看GIVER2018年上映的由吉泽亮主演的免费高清资源 英语翻译高手都进来,看谁翻译的好!高科技勿扰. the giver 希望之星 孙健 演讲稿 就是那个giver and taker的 ipad进水后屏幕有水渍,放了一晚上后充电之后开不了机,这样维修费用大概要多少? If someone loses a lot of blood in an accident. 应聘招商银行大堂(助理)需要注意哪些问题?这个职位一般是做什么的? 生活中,有哪一些有趣的冷知识我们是不知道的? 《名侦探柯南》中你不知道的知识都有哪些? 你所不知道的健康知识有哪些? 有哪些你不知道的冷知识呀? 奥迪RS6和沃尔沃V60,为何能成为赛道专家的旅行车? 奥迪RS6和奥迪S6汽车哪个好 奥迪RS6和GTR哪个加速更快 糜川老君山离哪个火车站近 奥迪rs6为什么叫神车?