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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 23:29



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 04:08

Video surveillance has a long history, widely used in the traditional security instry is to assist the public security sector to combat crime, maintain social stability of an important means. Through the analog video surveillance era, the era of development to the Internet age. Digital video surveillance applications has been extended to all walks of life. The network used more and more attention, will become the future trend.

This paper studies and discusses the network digital video surveillance system performance, structure and related functional design. The network digital video surveillance system is divided into front-end equipment, transmission systems, the master recording devices show the three-part focuses on the structure and function of each part, and the key technology to interpretation and research, and integration of traditional closed-circuit TV monitoring technology and the current video technology, computer technology, communication technology, and introced a simple and practical digital video network monitoring system design and implementation.

Of course, the restrictions on the conditions and limitations of my knowledge, the proposed solutions will inevitably have some problems, I will in the future of study, to further address and improve
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