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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 11:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 19:56



Huck's father find huck want him in one adventure earned money, learned by Douglas widow adoption, huck and school, shut him in a cottage. Huck forged into he killed the illusion, and a small raft escape. When he met Jim. Jim is Douglas widow's sister of slaves, because of his unbearable heavy burden of work and fled to Jackson island. The two of them were hiding on the island. Later someone to search, they fled to the other side of the in riding (. Sail to the halfway, their riding and steam liner hit. Huck and Jim fell into the river. Huck afterwards was a rich merchant rescued, but by who get involved in strife and shootings, in this chaos he and Jim again.

But they unfortunately seige young ke "and" the old king "two cheats have lied to. They teach huck and Jim to each city to serve a mission cheat money, or joke and fool villagers to cheat them out of their money in trouble, or death of any went to him home, the two cheats swindle money to huck and Jim have no need not to the extreme. Later huck wormed escape back to the boat, but he did not find Jim. The original Jim was "the old king" sell to phil Fuji farmer home. But phil Fuji wife just is Tom's aunt. Huck know this event and Tom about how to save Jim. After a breathtaking did move, they three people finally escaped phil Fuji home. Fugitive way, Tom's foot was shot in injury is strict heavy. By Jim accompanied him to the town treatment, carelessly Jim again caught follow. This time Tom's aunt polly to the town. She brought news said Douglas widow's sister was already dead. She is in her will restore Jim for free. And huck's father died, he also restore a free agent. But this time, he will by aunt polly adoption. Huck once in Douglas widow there had stung by a civil, for this kind of experience, people upbringing he could not bear. So, once again he fled, and Tom on an adventure trip...
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