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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 11:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:51

When a China's child full year old, puts such as the book, the needle,the coin and so on thing around the child. Each thing all will havethe specific meaning, the thing which the baby will trace indicatesthe future life.
China's middle-aged person and old person birthday, often has eatenthe long noodles, the expression longevity.

Birthday quick 乐歌 origin
About "wishes your Happy Birthday" the story which a song islike may proce, as soon as starts is a happy matter, to afterwardschanged flavor, makes one feel disappointed very much.
The matter is such: Has the sisters, is called Masurium the DelhiGermany? The hill, Louis thinks 维尔 city Kentuckey to test thekindergarten teacher, is called the cypress the pencle? Hill, thisschool principal. The sisters have composed a song together for thechildren, the song named "everybody early very good". The MasuriumDelhi Delhi is when praises the song the expert, adds again very goodfears the music talent, also is the local church wind musician,moreover her elder sister also very much has the experience in thepre-school ecation aspect, "everybody early very good" a songwithout doubt is a huge success.
In 1893, two elder sisters have published a song collection, theautograph are "the kindergarten story". After 31 years, in Bai Di?After the hill takes the post of the song peer Asia university normalschool pre-school ecation is 系主任, a name is called Robert? H?科尔曼 the gentleman without the elder sister permission, secretlyhas published this first song, added a section after this first song,namely everybody is familiar with "wishes your Happy Birthday", thisconstituted to the sisters injury and the insult. 科尔曼 gentlemanincreases the second section of lyrics very quickly causes this firstsong extremely to be popular.
Finally, the sisters first section of lyrics vanished. "Wished yourHappy Birthday" this only birthday song completely to substitute forthe sisters original song "everybody early very good!" .
The Masurium Delhi Germany passed away after 1916, the cypresspencle if another younger sister Jessica will act on behalf of科尔曼 gentleman to consider the court. In the court, they provedthat, in fact they have this first song melody the copyright. Becausethis first song legal copyright belongs to the hill sisters family, ithas then entrusted with the imperial authority, whenever this firstsong is sung because of the commercial goal, its imperial authorityalways can receive the protection.
Birthday cake origin
The Middle Ages time European believed that, the birthday isthe soul easily by the devil invasion day, therefore in the birthdaysame day, the family member friend can the oligomerization side givethe blessing, and delivers the cake to bring the lucky pursuit devil.
The birthday cake, is at first only has king only then to have thequalifications to have, spreads the present, no matter is the alt orthe child, all may when the birthday, buys an attractive cake, enjoysblessing which the numerous people gives.
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