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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 19:50



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 17:40

Dear Sir,
Our quantity of order will increase graally. Meanwhile, I am much concerned as your probable 75% discount for others' order will affect our sales. Could you offer us some guarantee? As the cooperation has been fluent before, it will surely continue. As our communication has been through a year and you have offered us great support, we sincerely show our thankfulness to you.



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 17:41

Dear Mr./Ms.~或者直接英文名,因为是经常联系的,不需要叫xx先生,否则较生疏
We will place more and more orders for you in the future. But meanwhile, we have some concerns that if other customers in China buy goods from you, you will also provide 75% discount, which will influence our sales performance. So could u pls give us some guarantees? We've had a great cooperation all the time, and this good relationship will be well kept continuously. Thanks so much for your great help on me in the past one year.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 17:41

Our order volume will be bigger and bigger in the future, while at the same time I am worried: If the you give 25% discount for your other customer from China,which should affect our sales performance.
Could you give me the guarntee,( such as "exclusive distributor', special discount) for our pleasant
cooperation all the time, I do believe we can continue cooperation , we have coopertate 1 year, you are very nice and give me big support , thank you very much.
我建议您:给老外一个选择: 比如说我1年买10K ,7.5折,
15K 7.0折 这要可能会更有吸引力

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 17:42

We will place more and more orders for you in the future. But meanwhile, we have some concerns that if other customers in China buy goods from you, you will also provide 75% discount, which will influence our sales performance. So could u pls give us some guarantees? We've had a great cooperation all the time, and this good relationship will be well kept continuously. Thanks so much for your great help on me in the past one year.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 17:43

I later order will be more and more big, at the same time I also worry that if China in in another person looking for your account, you also give to 7.5 fold it, will affect my side sales.

Can you give me some security?

The previous cooperation is very happy, it will continue to cooperate on, we also communication for one year.

You give me a lot of care.

And thank you very much.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 17:43

I think I will increase my order quantity in the future, but I worry about the situation that if any Chinese people purchases your goods and you get them 25% off at the same time, my sales will be directly effected. Could you please give me some guarantees? We cooperated well in the past, and I am eager to continue working with you frankly! During one year's communication in business, you help me a lot, that I do appreciate it a lot! Thank you!
with best wishes!
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