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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 17:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:08

The credit is not only the market economy development power, the establishment personally drafts the letter information system strengthens the credit consciousness, purges the credit order, establishes the strict credit system's safeguard. But, in drafts in personally the letter system construction, should also to protect indivial right of privacy to leave behind the enough space, indivial credit system's establishment and the development cannot take sacrifice indivial right of privacy as prices, promotes to draft the letter information acquisition and indivial right of privacy protection harmony needs to construct the science legitimately to draft the letter information acquisition system personally, this article, in the analysis drafts in the letter information acquisition personally many legal matter from information collection aspects and so on main body, information category, gathering procere and message body right constructs drafts the letter information personally the gathering system.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:08

The driving force that credit develops now that the marketplace is economical, founds indivial collecting the guarantee believing that information system is to strengthen credit mental consciousness , the round number eliminates credit order , builds strict credit system. Believe that system builds middle but, in indivial symbol , also ought to be that right of privacy leaves sufficient space protect an indivial, personal credit system building-up and development definitely cannot take the right of privacy sacrificing indivial as price , boost a symbol believing that the harmony that information acquisition and indivial right of privacy protect needs to structure legal indivial of science collecting message information collect system, The main body of a book is solicited in analysing an indivial believing that much law problem in information collect structures indivial from information aspect such as recruiting the subject , the information category , collecting procere and information main body right collecting the acquisition system believing information.
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