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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 17:30



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 01:16








口可乐、健怡可口可乐、雪碧、芬达四大品牌 在全球最畅销汽水前5位中独占4位



在国外的装瓶厂子公司有15家 ,在美国特拉华州的2家子公司:可口可乐国际



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提问者: 红颜祸水小爱 - 二级


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热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 01:16

The world's largest soft drink company. Headquartered in Atlanta, USA. The amount of 8.2825 billion of assets in 1989, the United States

Yuan, hiring more than 20000 employees. Coca-Cola Company September 5, 1919 in Delaware. 1960

Into the nation's largest 100 instrial companies in the ranks; in 1983 ranks 48th. From 1960 to 1983, the company

Sales, assets and net income of the average annual growth rates were 12.2%, 11.5% and 12.3%.
Manufacture and distribution of Coca-Cola soft drinks and fruit juice concentrates, and its proct is delicious and Coca-Cola Coca-Cola

Two kinds of plant leaves and fruits of a drink made out drip. As a major sector of the company's soft drinks

Expected annual sales of approximately 80% of the company's total sales. Soft drink procts account for 88% of the company's total profits

Coca-Cola Company is the world-famous soft drink king, it has worldwide sales of more than 500 kinds of procts, which may

Mouth Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta four best-selling soft drink brand in the global top 5 in the exclusive 4

. In 1981, the company's sales abroad accounted for 62% of the company's total sales, sales distribution of activities

In 145 countries and regions. In the beverage, food and other aspects, the company has eight subsidiaries in foreign countries.

Bottling plants in foreign countries with 15 subsidiaries in the United States subsidiary of Delaware 2: Coca-Cola International

Company and Coca-Cola Export Corporation

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 01:17


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 01:17

Coca Cola - our Company

The world's largest soft drink company. Headquartered in Atlanta. In 1989. 82.825 billion assets

Yuan, hire employees more than 20,000 people. In 1919, the Coca-Cola company in the United States on September 5, Delaware. In 1960

To enter the United States of the 100 largest instrial company ranks, Article 48 in 1983. 1960-1983, this company

Net sales of assets, and the annual growth rate for 12.2%, 11.5 per cent respectively and 12.3%.
The Coca-Cola company manufacturing, distribution and concentration soft drinks and fruit juices, its procts from coca and coke cola

Two kinds of plant leaves and fruits extracted a drink milk. As the company mainly department of soft drinks

Material company annual sales of approximately 80% of total sales. Soft procts of company's profits 88

Coca-Cola is world-famous pop king, it is in the world more than 500 proct sales, which can be

Mouth coke lozenges, coke, Sprite, fanta four brands in global best-selling pop top 5 in exclusive four

. In 1981, the company in foreign sales accounted for 62% of the total sales, marketing activities

In 145 countries and regions. In beverage, food and other aspects, the company possesses 8 subsidiaries abroad.

The bottle in foreign companies have 15, the factory in the Delaware state of two subsidiary companies: Coca-Cola international

And the Coca-Cola company export company.
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